[OpenSIPS-Users] Mid_registrar forking issue when push notifications enabled

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Tue Jan 18 09:26:12 UTC 2022

On 17.01.2022 22:52, Sugar wrote:
> Is there a private place to upload debug log including config (in case 
> some sanitation of sensitive info is missed)? Can you provide where to 
> send? Thanks in advance. And yes it appears the register matching part 
> is not occurring. Can also provide pcap of call when contact is pn 
> enabled on one test extension that is being called as well. Let me 
> know where I can send. And thank you again for responding.
If you have sensitive info, just email it to liviu at opensips.org then, 
and I'll take a look.
> Also while the column size was fixed in the usrloc table, the dialog 
> table was not fixed, it still has char(255). I updated my schema to 
> fix it (was using mysql db to save dialogs for testing and possible 
> expansion to two opensips instances in dev environment.

My bad, your initial message said "dialog.contact", but I read 
"usrloc.contact", as the CHAR(255) pattern was identical.  Thank you for 
the hint, will push a fix for this as well!


Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

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