[OpenSIPS-Users] Possible clusterer edge condition - all nodes in "not synced"

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Wed May 22 10:58:36 EDT 2019

Hi, Pete!

That is the exact objective of feature request #1591.  We are aware of 
it, and plan
to make it happen as soon as possible[1].

[1]: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/1591

Liviu Chircu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 22.05.2019 17:53, Pete Kelly wrote:
> In fact, perhaps if the seed node can only find "not synced" nodes (or 
> indeed no other available nodes) in the cluster, then it should 
> recognise itself as the seed and therefore revert to "Ok" rather than 
> "not synced"?

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