[OpenSIPS-Users] I am facing some media issue with rtpengine .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Fri Oct 12 03:35:42 EDT 2018

I am using rtpengine with opensips-2.2 .
Version: git-master-e860b64

I am facing some issue in media loss . The call in which there is media
loss for that the rtpengine logs looks like below .

Received command 'offer' from 52.200.138.x:47332
Creating new call
Replying to 'offer' from 52.200.138.x:47332 (elapsed time 0.000844 sec)
DTLS-SRTP successfully negotiated
DTLS-SRTP successfully negotiated
Received command 'answer' from 52.200.138.x:43801
DTLS: Peer certificate accepted
Replying to 'answer' from 52.200.138.x:43801 (elapsed time 0.000223 sec)
ICE negotiated: local interface 206.189.y.x
Confirmed peer address as 34.236.b.a:10346
Confirmed peer address as 74.96.b.a:59179
Confirmed peer address as 34.236.b.a:10347
Received command 'delete' from 52.200.138.x:44034
Call-ID to delete not found
Replying to 'delete' from 52.200.138.x:44034 (elapsed time 0.000017 sec)

There delete command received after 20min of starting the call . But its
saying Call-ID not found . And media in the call lost after 5min of call .
What will be the possible reason of media break .

Please do help me or else let me know where should I ask this question .

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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