[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS + Ekiga + Linphone: Could not send message: Forbidden

Alexander Shukaev opensips at Alexander.Shukaev.name
Tue Nov 3 01:41:47 CET 2015

You are the Bo$$, Jeff.  Exactly, that was the case.  Although the data 
for the user registration was correct in Ekiga (and I also have no idea 
how the registration even passed), I decided to simply deregister and 
register again.  As a result, I can now call from Ekiga to Linphone too, 
but there is a still a problem with IM, a different one though.  Now 
Ekiga reports "NOTICE: Could not send message: Unauthorised" for IMs, 
and now I also understand why (thanks to your previous response): it 
does not send "Proxy-Authorization" anymore (see the attachment)!  I 
begin to think that Ekiga is merely bugged, though I've heard lots of 
positive reviews on it, including facts that it can be considered a 
mature piece of software.  So I still hope that this could be my 
misconfiguration on the OpenSIPS side and if anybody can point me to it, 
I'd be very grateful.  Otherwise, I guess I better off with another 
softphone client anyway.

Kind regards,

On 02.11.2015 21:54, Jeff Pyle wrote:
> Alexander,
> First, let me say I do not use Opensips for instant message or related
> operations.  Looking at your capture, however, I may have a thought.
> Let's look at the headers from Ekiga's authenticated MESSAGE:
>> U 2015/10/31 13:02:54.844064 [1] ->
>> [2]
>> MESSAGE sip:5678 at SIP/2.0.
>> CSeq: 17 MESSAGE.
>> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>> User-Agent: Ekiga/4.0.1. [3]
>> From: <sip:5678 at [4]>.
>> Call-ID: 868b94e5-5e7e-e511-8953-0008cafa0605 at G75VW.
>> To: <sip:5678 at>.
>> Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="1234", realm="",
>> nonce="5634f45c0000000f04ee114e87bbede48ba1228797acae09",
>> uri="sip:5678 at", algorithm=MD5,
>> response="4f5373eb311376dad81cfae2e5122423".
>> Expires: 5000.
>> Content-Length: 2.
>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8.
>> Max-Forwards: 70.
> The From header says your Ekiga is configured with 5678, but you're
> trying to authenticate as 1234 (Proxy-Authorization header).  I
> believe that is why Opensips returns a 403 Forbidden Auth ID in the
> subsequent packet.  You probably want 1234 in the From header since it
> appears you're trying to send the message to 5678.  Perhaps this is a
> misplaced value in Ekiga's configuration.  I'm surprised you're able
> to completely a registration.
> Or, I could be completely wrong.  As I mentioned, I don't do IM over
> SIP.
> - Jeff
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Alexander Shukaev
> <opensips at alexander.shukaev.name> wrote:
>> Apologies, I don't want to look like a nasty bumper here, but I
>> can't believe that nobody has a slightest idea how to approach the
>> problem. I would be grateful even for a link to mailing
>> list/forum/community where I could find help with this.
>> Regards,
>> Alexander
>> On 31.10.2015 18:14, Alexander Shukaev wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I'm testing a new setup of OpenSIPS. I have created two accounts
>>> in
>>> DB: 1234 and 5678. I run both, Ekiga and Linphone, to test
>>> communication between these two accounts. So through Ekiga, I
>>> register 1234 and add 5678 to contacts, while through Linphone, I
>>> register 5678 and add 1234 to contacts.
>>> There are two problems that I experience. First of all, within
>>> Linphone I can do both, IM and call from 5678 to 1234 (Ekiga), and
>>> in
>>> Ekiga I can read those IMs and accept calls accordingly, while
>>> within
>>> Ekiga I can neither IM nor call from 1234 to 5678 (Linphone) as
>>> for
>>> IMs I get "NOTICE: Could not send message: Forbidden" (for calls I
>>> assume it's the same error, though not shown). I attach the
>>> corresponding Wireshark log. Secondly, even though I can IM from
>>> Linphone to Ekiga, the result is strange. In particular, each IM
>>> arrives twice to Ekiga. In other words, in Linphone I see the IM
>>> being typed once into chat, while in Ekiga I get two notifications
>>> for
>>> each IM and that each IM appears two times in the chat.
>>> I'm new to OpenSIPS and VoIP in general, and I have no idea how to
>>> deal with these quirks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
>>> in
>>> advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexander
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