[OpenSIPS-Users] Q Value not acting right after Serialize_branches

Duane Larson duane.larson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 02:43:22 CEST 2011

I have a scenario where there are three numbers that need to be called

90127X2XX9 should get called first        || Q-value is 90
90148X7XX9 should get called second   || Q-value is 50
90133X9XX9 should get called last        || Q-Value is 40

The issue i am seeing is that the first and second number are getting called
in parrallel and then the third number gets called last.  I have debug the
issue with level 6.  I'm not able to paste the debug to pastebin because it
is too big.  So here is a a shortened version.  Hopefully the relevant stuff

Just for something to compare I have the second scenario where the Q Value
works properly without issue

90127X2XX9 gets called first         || Q-Value is 90
90133X9XX9 gets called second    || Q-Value is 70
90148X7XX9 gets called last         || Q-Value is 50

With this each call is called serially in the order that they should.
I also have a debug for this but I also can't paste this to pastebin.
Here is the relevant stuff

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