[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool Q

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Fri Feb 13 18:15:56 CET 2009

On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Brian Chamberlain wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> Thanks for the answers, spot on! One last question (pushing my luck)!
> If I want to give some customers different rates for a very small  
> number of destinations (like 3) how do I do this without having to  
> duplicate two entire sets of rates (on/off peak).

Set a rate plan with the 3 destinations than in the customer table set  
the fallback profile to your full table.

> Could I setup a new profile with point that profile at the special  
> rates with the default rates as fallback or is this a bad way of  
> doing it, ie., will rate the calls but generate a lot of errors?

Yes, every customer has a main and fallback profile so you can realize  
this setup out of the box.


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