[OpenSIPS-Users] Reducing INVITE delay until UAC sees 180 RINGING

opensipslist at encambio.com opensipslist at encambio.com
Fri Dec 18 14:30:38 CET 2009

Hello list,


With OpenSER 1.3.X we've always had a delay of a few seconds (at
least) between INVITE and RINGING on a quiet network and host with
good performance.


What are possible places in the config to tweak in order to minimize
such a delay, and how many seconds of delay do most of you experience
in your networks?

I'm assuming that a delay of 1 second is reachable through config
tuning, and wondering as well what kind of result (in terms of delay
time) the maximum tuning yields. Already I've looked at things like:


...because DNS resolutions is a logical place to start reducing.

Any ideas? Is there documentation about this?


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