[OpenSIPS-Users] acc not writing INVITE to db

Marcin Groszek marcin at voipplus.net
Wed Feb 16 00:19:30 UTC 2022

I have been using  v3.1.5 and acc module is not behaving as expected:


it writes to db on cancel when it hits failure_route[missed_call]

But not on BYE. Is there a document how to troubleshoot acc module 
behavior?  Can a progress of the module be traced or followed as it 
progresses via config script?

I see not attempts to write to db upon end of the call, so this is not 
an value or extra_fields issue.

It has been working for months until I upgraded opensips to 3.1.7, then 
I reverse the upgrade and the acc module stopped working. mariadb has 
been also upgraded at the same time , but i see all other modules using 
same database with no issue.

Best Regards:
Marcin Groszek
Business Voip Resource.

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