[OpenSIPS-Users] TLS Handshake fail issue

Devang Dhandhalya devang.dhandhalya at ecosmob.com
Tue Nov 9 11:05:34 EST 2021

Hi All

I Am Trying to Implement opensips with TLS support in a local machine . I
generate TLS server (rootCA) and TLS Client (user) certificates using
opensips-cli  .
softphone : Blink version : 5.1.7
opensips version : 3.2.2
Registration with tls is working fine for TLS ,  at the time of calling
getting below error . I check in logs at DBG level
>From User A to opensips server tls handshake is working fine but from
opensips to User B tls handshake is going to fail please suggest how to
resolve this .

INFO level Logs :

ERROR:core:tcp_async_connect: poll error: flags 1c
ERROR:core:tcp_async_connect: failed to retrieve SO_ERROR [server=] (111) Connection refused
ERROR:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: async TCP connect failed
ERROR:tm:msg_send: send() to for proto tls/3 failed
ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: sending request failed
ERROR:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_async_connect: New TLS connection to failed
ERROR:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_async_connect: TLS error: 1 (ret=-1)
ERROR:tls_openssl:tls_print_errstack: TLS errstack: error:14094410:SSL
routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
ERROR:proto_tls:tls_read_req: failed to do pre-tls handshake!

DBG level Logs :

DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:
DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <INVITE>
DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:     <sip:14682973 at;transport=tls>
DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> =
<z9hG4bK14b8.6a972877.0>; state=6
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 236, <i> = <d7b6e394>; state=16
DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 234, <received> = <>;
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 235, <rport> = <38119>; state=6
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> =
<z9hG4bKPja1ee2137-d7f4-4744-89e1-ff53b4b0b06b>; state=6
DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 237, <alias> = <n/a>; state=16
DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
DBG:core:parse_headers: parse_headers: this is the second via
DBG:core:_parse_to: end of header reached, state=10
DBG:core:_parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:1001 at}
DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [26]; uri=[sip:1001 at]
DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body [<sip:1001 at>#015#012]
DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <14318> <INVITE>
DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=717
DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: no open tcp connection found, opening new
one, async = 1
DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: getsockopt: snd is initially 16384
DBG:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 416 kb
DBG:core:init_sock_keepalive: TCP keepalive enabled on socket 141
DBG:core:print_ip: tcpconn_new: new tcp connection to:
DBG:core:tcpconn_new: on port 34463, proto 3
DBG:tls_mgm:tls_find_client_domain: found TLS client domain: dom2
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_conn_init: Creating a whole new ssl connection
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_conn_init: Setting in CONNECT mode (client)
DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: Successfully connected from interface to!
DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: First TCP connect attempt succeeded in less
than 100ms, proceed to TLS connect
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_update_fd: New fd is 141
DBG:core:handle_worker: read response= 7f83eb6b5118, 2, fd 119 from 8
DBG:core:tcpconn_add: hashes: 607, 894
DBG:core:io_watch_add: [TCP_main] io_watch_add op (119 on 5)
(0x55fd3f789ae0, 119, 19, 0x7f83eb6b5118,1), fd_no=27/1024
DBG:core:handle_tcpconn_ev: data available on 0x7f83eb6b5118 119
DBG:core:io_watch_del: [TCP_main] io_watch_del op on index 2 119
(0x55fd3f789ae0, 119, 2, 0x0,0x1) fd_no=28 called
DBG:core:send2worker: to tcp worker 1 (0), 0x7f83eb6b5118 rw 1
DBG:core:handle_io: We have received conn 0x7f83eb6b5118 with rw 1 on fd 5
DBG:core:io_watch_add: [TCP_worker] io_watch_add op (5 on 102)
(0x55fd3f789ae0, 5, 19, 0x7f83eb6b5118,1), fd_no=4/1024
DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: Using the global ( per process ) buff
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_async_connect: handshake timeout for connection
0x7f83eb6b5118 10ms elapsed
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_update_fd: New fd is 5

ERROR:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_async_connect: New TLS connection to failed
ERROR:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_async_connect: TLS error: 1 (ret=-1)
ERROR:tls_openssl:tls_print_errstack: TLS errstack: error:14094410:SSL
routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
ERROR:proto_tls:tls_read_req: failed to do pre-tls handshake!

DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: Successfully started async SSL connection
DBG:core:io_watch_del: [TCP_worker] io_watch_del op on index 0 5
(0x55fd3f789ae0, 5, 0, 0x10,0x3) fd_no=5 called
DBG:core:tcpconn_release:  releasing con 0x7f83eb6b5118, state -2, fd=5,
DBG:core:tcpconn_release:  extra_data 0x7f83eb6bdd50
DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [0]: 0x7f83eb6a9320 (12)
DBG:core:tcpconn_release:  releasing con 0x7f83eb6b5118, state -3, fd=-1,
DBG:tm:t_relay_to: new transaction fwd'ed
DBG:core:tcpconn_release:  extra_data 0x7f83eb6bdd50
DBG:tm:do_t_cleanup: transaction 0x7f83eb6a90d0 already updated! Skipping
DBG:tm:t_unref: UNREF_UNSAFE: [0x7f83eb6a90d0] after is 0
DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up
DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: tls_read_req end
DBG:core:handle_tcp_worker: response= 7f83eb6b5118, -3 from tcp worker 0 (1)
DBG:core:tcpconn_destroy: delaying (0x7f83eb6b5118, flags 0038) ref = 1 ...
DBG:core:handle_tcp_worker: response= 7f83eb6b5118, -2 from tcp worker 0 (0)
DBG:core:tcpconn_destroy: destroying connection 0x7f83eb6b5118, flags 0038
DBG:tls_openssl:openssl_tls_update_fd: New fd is 119
DBG:tm:utimer_routine: timer routine:4,tl=0x7f83eb6a5d18 next=(nil),
DBG:tm:retransmission_handler: retransmission_handler : request resending
(t=0x7f83eb6a5af8, PUBLISH s ... )
root at devang-MS-7817:/usr/local/etc/opensips/range#

I am following this OpenSIPS TLS config:

socket=udp: <>5060

socket=tcp: <>5060

socket=tls: <>5061

loadmodule "tls_openssl.so"

loadmodule "tls_mgm.so"
# -------- TLS SERVER Certificate ---------#
modparam("tls_mgm", "server_domain", "dom1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "match_sip_domain", "[dom1]devang.com")
modparam("tls_mgm", "match_ip_address", "[dom1]")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom1]0")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom1]0")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom1]-")
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate",
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key",

# --------- TLS CLIENT CERTIFICATE --------#
modparam("tls_mgm", "client_domain", "dom2")
modparam("tls_mgm", "match_sip_domain", "[dom2]*")
modparam("tls_mgm", "match_ip_address", "[dom2]*")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom2]0")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom2]0")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom2]-")
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate",
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key",
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list",

loadmodule "proto_tls.so"

checking the connection with s_client shows below :

openssl s_client -showcerts -debug -connect -bugs
140510082113984:error:14094458:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1
unrecognized name:../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1528:SSL alert number 112
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 517 bytes
Verification: OK
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)

Can anyone tell me what I might be missing for tls config or Please advise
how to resolve this SSL handshake failure.

Many Thanks

                                                        70,1          15%

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