[OpenSIPS-Users] dispatcher cluster

Răzvan Crainea razvan at opensips.org
Thu Feb 4 14:51:09 EST 2021

Hi, Volga!

It looks like opensips 41 is trying itself to use the destinations, but 
most likely is not able to. Can you take a pcap of the communication 
between node 41 and the gateways, to see why node 41 disables them?

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 2/2/21 5:32 PM, volga629 via Users wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Dispatcher in cluster causing destinations goes down unexpectedly.
> *Scenario: *
> Two nodes with last ip octet 61 and 41.
> Freeswitch stats to calculate  weight.
> *Issue:*
> 61 is  set to ping all destinations and report to the 41 the status via 
> cluster, the issue that 41 bring down all destinations into Inactive 
> state after cluster update message until ds_reload issued again.
> *Attempt to fix: *
> I tried set limit on which groups which node can ping, but seems like in 
> cluster it should be relevant, because 61 should  get status of all 
> groups and send to  41.
> *Relevant Config:*
> Node 61:
> |#### Dispatcher loadmodule "dispatcher.so" modparam("dispatcher", 
> "db_url", "postgres://") modparam("dispatcher", "table_name", 
> "dispatcher") modparam("dispatcher", "setid_col", "setid") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "priority_col", "priority") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "destination_col", "destination") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(274)") modparam("dispatcher", 
> "grp_avp", "$avp(275)") modparam("dispatcher", "hash_pvar", "$avp(273)") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(271)") modparam("dispatcher", 
> "sock_avp", "$avp(276)") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", 
> "sip:proxy at") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", 
> "OPTIONS") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 45) 
> modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1) modparam("dispatcher", 
> "ds_probing_threshold", 5) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_list", 
> "2,3,4") modparam("dispatcher", "fetch_freeswitch_stats", 1) 
> modparam("dispatcher", "options_reply_codes", "501,403,404,400,200") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "cluster_id", 1) |Node 41: |#### Dispatcher loadmodule "dispatcher.so" 
> modparam("dispatcher", "") modparam("dispatcher", "table_name", 
> "dispatcher") modparam("dispatcher", "setid_col", "setid") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "priority_col", "priority") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "destination_col", "destination") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(274)") modparam("dispatcher", 
> "grp_avp", "$avp(275)") modparam("dispatcher", "hash_pvar", "$avp(273)") 
> modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(271)") modparam("dispatcher", 
> "sock_avp", "$avp(276)") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", 
> "sip:proxy at") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", 
> "OPTIONS") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 45) 
> modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1) modparam("dispatcher", 
> "ds_probing_threshold", 5) modparam("dispatcher", 
> "fetch_freeswitch_stats", 1) modparam("dispatcher", 
> "options_reply_codes", "501,403,404,400,200") modparam("dispatcher", 
> "ds_probing_list", "1") modparam("dispatcher", "cluster_id", 1) 
> modparam("dispatcher", "cluster_sharing_tag", "vip")|
> *Comments:* I think in cluster 41 should not do any operation or 
> decisions regard node states and it should rely on 61 only *Log: *
> 41 node [root at vprx00 ~]# grep EVENT /var/log/opensips/opensips.log
> Feb  1 12:44:57 vprx00 /usr/sbin/opensips[250547]: [EVENT_ROUTE] [DISPATCHER] received group=0 ~> address=sip:  ~> status=inactive
> Feb  1 12:50:54 vprx00 /usr/sbin/opensips[250545]: [EVENT_ROUTE] [DISPATCHER] received group=0 ~> address=sip:  ~> status=inactive
> Feb  1 12:52:15 vprx00 /usr/sbin/opensips[250538]: [EVENT_ROUTE] [DISPATCHER] received group=0 ~> address=sip:  ~> status=inactive
>     41 node
>     Feb  1 14:24:49 vprx00 /usr/sbin/opensips[250540]: 
> DBG:dispatcher:w_ds_select: ds_select: 1 1 1000 1
>     Feb  1 14:24:49 vprx00 /usr/sbin/opensips[250540]: 
> DBG:dispatcher:ds_select_dst: no active destinations in set [1] !
> volga629. ||||
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