[OpenSIPS-Users] Need some help while configuring opensips 3.1 with homer 7 .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Thu Dec 17 12:16:48 EST 2020

Hi Lorenzo ,

I was just following your video  tutorial of 2020 opensips summit for Homer
integration .

I am facing some issue while setting up docker with influxdb

* hom7-influx-tick]# docker-compose up -dERROR: yaml.parser.ParserError:
while parsing a block collection  in "./docker-compose.yml", line 136,
column 7expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'  in
"./docker-compose.yml", line 154, column 9*

*How to solve this ? *

I have installed Homer through docker successfully with prometheus .
I have attached the output of docker ps command .

I have allowed 9080/tcp traffic from everywhere .

When I am hitting http://public_ip:9080 on my browser the output is

*This site can't be reachable . *

*How I will solve this problem? Please help me . *


*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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