[OpenSIPS-Users] Need help to connect AWS document db through opensips 3.0 .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Tue Sep 10 08:52:42 EDT 2019

Hi All ,

There was another email chain where you guys suggested to use AWS document
DB as this ia equivalent to mongo db . I am trying that . But opensips is
crashing while storing data in the DocDB .

Below is the error giving :
 DBG:cachedb_mongodb:mongo_con_update: filter: { "_id" :
"1007 at opensips-chachdb.i3clogic.com192.168.0.x" }
 DBG:cachedb_mongodb:mongo_con_update: set: { "home_ip" : "192.168.0.x",
"aor" : "1007 at opensips-chachdb.i3clogic.com" }
 DBG:cachedb_mongodb:mongo_con_update: unset: { }
 DBG:cachedb_mongodb:mongo_con_update: update: { "$set" : { "home_ip" :
"192.168.0.x", "aor" : "1007 at opensips-chachdb.i3clogic.com" } }
 DBG:core:handle_sigs: OpenSIPS exit status = 134
 INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 32061 exited by a signal 6
 INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was generated
 INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD
 DBG:core:shutdown_opensips: Asking process 4 [SIP receiver
udp:192.168.0.x:5060] to terminate
 INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
 INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
 INFO:core:sig_usr: signal 15 received
 INFO:core:shutdown_opensips: process 2(1450) [time_keeper] terminated,
still waiting for 0 more
 INFO:core:cleanup: cleanup
 DBG:core:pool_remove: connection still kept in the pool
 DBG:core:pool_remove: removing connection from the pool
 DBG:core:pool_remove: connection still kept in the pool
 message repeated 2 times: [ DBG:core:pool_remove: connection still kept in
the pool]
 NOTICE:db_cachedb:destroy: destroy module db_cachedb ...
 NOTICE:cachedb_mongodb:destroy: destroy module cachedb_mongodb ...
 DBG:cachedb_mongodb:mongo_con_destroy: in mongo_destroy
 CRITICAL:core:sig_usr: segfault in attendant (starter) process!
 DBG:core:restore_segv_handler: restoring SIGSEGV handler...
 DBG:core:restore_segv_handler: successfully restored system SIGSEGV handler

Please do check once .

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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