[OpenSIPS-Users] Database Searching

Mark Farmer farmorg at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 08:41:11 EDT 2019

Thanks for the reply, certainly a few options to consider :)

To be more specific, the table contains $ua identifiers:

MariaDB [tt]> select * from user_agent;
| id | ua               |
|  1 | sipcli           |
|  2 | sipvicious       |
|  3 | sip-scan         |
|  4 | sipsak           |
|  5 | sundayddr        |
|  6 | friendly-scanner |
|  7 | iWar             |
|  8 | CSipSimple       |
|  9 | SIVuS            |
| 10 | Gulp             |
| 11 | sipv             |
| 12 | smap             |
| 13 | friendly-request |
| 14 | VaxIPUserAgent   |
| 15 | VaxSIPUserAgent  |
| 16 | siparmyknife     |
| 17 | Test Agent       |

What I'd like to do is something like:

if($ua ~=(search_ua_column_for_match) {

I should add that I'm using OpenSIPS 3.0

On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 13:31, Alexey Kazantsev via Users <
users at lists.opensips.org> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I haven't understood well enough what data do you store in the table.
> Something designed by OpenSIPS developers? E.g. 'subscribers' table.
> Or some custom data which you use in your script say via AVPs?
> If it's possible to store it as key-value pairs, I'd recommend you using
> local cache [1], [2], [3]
> [1]  https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreFunctions-3-0#toc4
> [2]  https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreFunctions-3-0#toc5
> [3]  https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreFunctions-3-0#toc6
> [4]  https://opensips.org/html/docs/modules/3.0.x/cachedb_redis.html
> [5]  https://opensips.org/html/docs/modules/3.0.x/cachedb_sql.html
> [6]  https://opensips.org/html/docs/modules/3.0.x/exec.html
> Depending on your OpenSIPS architecture it can be more optimal to use
> Redis [4],
> for example in case of OpenSIPS cluster.
> You may use CACHEDB_SQL [5] (I never used it).
> You may execute some script with the EXEC [6] function.
> If your table is tiny and your system architecture allows it,
> you may store data not in MariaDB but in SQLite.
> So, as you see, many things depend on the overall size of your system,
> and it's not so easy to give some certain advice without knowing
> its architecture and load level.
> -----------------------------------------------
> BR, Alexey
> http://alexeyka.zantsev.com/
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Mark Farmer
farmorg at gmail.com
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