[OpenSIPS-Users] opensipsctl ping sip:1234 at ALWAYS returns “200 OK”

Louis Rochon Louis.Rochon at comtechtel.com
Mon Aug 5 09:07:35 EDT 2019

opensipsctl ping sip:1234 at ALWAYS returns “200 OK”.
I could point it to a dead IP and it still returns 200 OK.
Opensips 2.4.6 installed on CentOS 7.
In 2.4.2 and in 1.8, this returned “200” (no ok) or whatever cause-code the UA returned, and “408” for a time out. Now it’s always “200 OK”
Wireshark indicates that it does send SIP Options and receives appropriate response (if any).
Of course, I have googled this ad nauseum....

Thanks in advance,
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