[OpenSIPS-Users] Callpickup using EBR

KSrigo ksrigo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 05:40:34 EDT 2018


I'm currently trying to add call pickup feature using event_routing module. It seems to work fine when I have only ONE inbound call to a given call group but when I have two calls to the same call group at the same, It's not working properly

Here is my scenario:

								--> Opensips1 (usr_loc) --> Bob
Alice --> Opensips1 --> Freeswitch (fork)
								--> Opensips1 (usr_loc) --> Charlie

David tries to pickup the phone ringing on Bob and Call (which is the same call because it's a fork but different A leg call_id)
Bob, Charlie and David are in the same pickup group.

When Bob and Charlies ring, David dials *0 to pick the call:
	* Opensips immediately send an Invite to David for one of the incoming call (randomly choosen). Let's say for Bob
	* Opensips send a Cancel to Bob
	* Opensips send again the previous Invite to David (for the same A leg)
	* Opensips send a Cancel to David

Here is my opensips code:

    dp_translate("DP_FEATURE", "$rU/$rU", "$var(attrs)");
    #Is it a callpickup?
    if($var(attrs) =~ "call_pickup" && $avp(caller_pickup_grp) != "") {
        t_newtran(); # 100 Trying is fired here

        #extension can belong to multiple group so let's raise an event for each group
        $var(p) = 0;
        $var(caller_pickup_grp_len) = 0;
        $var(caller_pickup_grp_len) = $(avp(caller_pickup_grp){csv.count});
        while ($var(p) < $var(caller_pickup_grp_len)) {
            $avp(attr-name) = "group";
            $avp(attr-val) = $(avp(caller_pickup_grp){csv.value,$var(p)});
            xlog("L_NOTICE","$rm $ci hunting2: Caller pickup group [$avp(attr-val)] for [$fu]");
            $avp(attr-name) = "picker";
            $avp(attr-val) = $fu;
            raise_event("E_CALL_PICKUP", $avp(attr-name), $avp(attr-val));
            $var(p) = $var(p) + 1;

    if (isbflagset(USRLOC_FOUND) && $avp(callee_pickup_grp) != ""){
        $var(p) = 0;
        $var(callee_pickup_grp_len) = 0;
        $var(callee_pickup_grp_len) = $(avp(callee_pickup_grp){csv.count});
        while ($var(p) < $var(callee_pickup_grp_len)) {
            #$avp(filter) = "group=1";
            $avp(filter) = "group="+$var(group);
            xlog("L_NOTICE","$rm $ci relay: Callee pickup group [$var(group)]. Raise event");
            notify_on_event("E_CALL_PICKUP","$avp(filter)","handle_pickup", "20");
            $var(p) = $var(p) + 1;

    if (!t_relay()) {
        xlog("L_WARN","$rm $ci relay: 500 Internal Server Error (t_relay failure)");
        t_reply("500","Internal Server Error");
        $avp(reason) = "SIP;cause=500;text=INTERNAL SERVER ERROR";

Any idea, what I missed here?

Thanks in advance for your help

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