[OpenSIPS-Users] Polycom Encryption + OpenSIPS

Eust propalarupa at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 16:44:57 EDT 2017

Hi there,

so i managed to get the pre configured VM of opensips working and registered
two Polycom Videoconference systems. I have a subdomain which has the IP
address of my sip server so i can actualy register the users and make calls.
Both polycom systems are on the internet without a FW on their own IP
Address just like the server. First problem is that i cannot make a call
with IP from one system to the other, even though both are registered, same
isue with video or audio calls, i get an error message saying that the
called user cannot be found because that adress may be invalid, as if he
cannot trace the user (user at domain.com).

Can someone tell me what might be causing such a problem that one system
cannot call the other registered on the same server?

Second thing i wanted to ask is, is it possible that 2 protocols SIP and an
encryption such as h.323, because whenever i turn on the option in the
settings for h.323 i get an exception error when trying to make a sip call
that the security settings are incorect.

THank you for your time, i am new at this and have this small project to
finich, it just needs to be able to register and make a call between the two
systems and i have a passing grade :)

Thank you in advance.

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