[OpenSIPS-Users] WSS and Opensips

Hristo Donev nocbgtelcom at gmail.com
Thu May 11 06:25:55 EDT 2017

Hello OpenSips fаns!!

Your project is the best!!!!

I using Opensips 1.11 and all is OK!

Now setup Opensips 2.2.3 to using WEBRTC (over WSS).

I try to call PSTN number from WSS connection.
When PSTN send BYE to opensips WSS connection is blocket.

Here is part of opensips log l3:
ERROR:core:tcp_connect_blocking: timeout 99492 ms elapsed from 100000 s
ERROR:proto_ws:ws_sync_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed
ERROR:proto_ws:ws_connect: connect failed
ERROR:proto_ws:proto_ws_send: connect failed
ERROR:tm:msg_send: send() for proto ws/5 failed
ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: sending request failed

Can any help me?

Hristo Donev
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