[OpenSIPS-Users] avp variables

Răzvan Crainea razvan at opensips.org
Tue Dec 5 11:07:14 EST 2017

Hi, Tali!

Memory is the only limitation, but I doubt you will hit it using 
variables. But if you are using too many (thousands of AVPs), you might 
affect the performace of your script, so I wouldn't suggest that.
But I don't really understand why you want to use these variables; why 
don't you do: update_stat("ERR_503__Service_Unavailable_0", "+1");?
What do you mean - delete variables from statistics? The statistics are 
simply counters with names, they don't store variables.
Not sure I answered your question, but I don't think I fully understand 
your issue. Can you offer more information?

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Developer

On 11/28/2017 11:43 AM, Gillon, Tali via Users wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a limitation for saving dynamic variables?
> I'm asking this since I would like to collect data about the errors we 
> send.
> below is an example:
> send_reply("503", "Service Unavailable 0");
> $avp(errorvar) ="ERR_503__Service_Unavailable_0";
> update_stat("$avp(errorvar)", "+1");
> I'm afraid that we are going to have performance issues  if we have 
> too many dynamic variables.
> Is there a way to delete variables from statistics and not just reset 
> them?
> Thanks,
> Tali
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