[OpenSIPS-Users] Advise on proposed HVOIP/SIPT infrastructure with OpenSIPS

Marty van de Veerdonk marty at voiceidentity.nl
Thu Apr 20 02:42:30 EDT 2017

Hello community,
I know that there isn't 1 best practise to deploy VOIP services with
OpenSIPS, but maybe you can inform me with some absolute do and dont's for
this scenario.

I want to deploy Hosted VOIP and SIP trunking services via Internet and
IPVPN connections. As interconnect i want use multiple wholesale ISPs. The
customers must have (secure) access to Freeswitch and billing service.

The proposed infrastructure is;

# server OP1 + OP2: redundant OpenSIPS server
functions: Access & Interconnect SBC, loadbalancer 50-50, local DB for
config OpenSIPS
services: OpenSIPS, ssh, database
interfaces: 2 to outside Internet, 2 inside network

# server FS1+FS2: redundant Freeswitch/billing server
functions: Freeswitch, (maybe FusionPBX), billing server, HOMER, local DB
for config Freeswitch
services: ssh, web server, database
interfaces: 2 to outsite internet (GUI access freeswitch & billing), 2
inside network

# server DB1+DB2: redundant database server
function: database for billing records
services: ssh, database
interfaces: 2 to inside network

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards, Marty
marty at voiceidentity.nl
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