[OpenSIPS-Users] Fwd: 2.2.1 crashing

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Tue Sep 20 09:51:25 CEST 2016

Hi Richard,

If not too much for you, I would really like to see the backtrace - even 
under OS stress conditions, OpenSIPS should NOT crash.

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 16.09.2016 13:15, Richard Robson wrote:
> Hi Bogdan,
> It looks like it was the extra logging we were putting in using xlog. 
> We'd added them while we were developing the script and left them in. 
> this was causing systemd-journald to max out the box and would 
> segfault the opensips, which restarted. journald was using 90% of the 
> box and opensips 10%
> I've taken out the xlogs ( there was about 20 per iteration of the 
> script) and using sipp i've tested throughput to 250cps and 2000 
> concurrent calls. (enought to kill the asterisk processing the calls 
> the other side)
> Unfortunately i deleted all the core files as the filled the disk up. 
> If you still want one I'll be able to reproduce it as I've still got 
> the script. I seem to remember though that it was the transaction 
> module that was the culprit
> Regards,
> Richard
> On 14/09/2016 15:28, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> Have you managed to get a corefile and extract a backtrace ?
>> Best regards,
>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>> OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>> http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>> On 06.09.2016 17:07, Richard Robson wrote:
>>> If its any help, I can see packets coming in particularly BYEs that 
>>> are not being processes at high call rates and are not getting to 
>>> the point in the script where the rtpengine_delete is being 
>>> triggered. this then causes the number of concurrent calls on the 
>>> RTPengine to grow and fill its allocation of ports. This then stops 
>>> calls being made. and the opensips then crashes.
>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>> Subject: 	2.2.1 crashing
>>> Date: 	Tue, 6 Sep 2016 13:45:11 +0100
>>> From: 	Richard Robson <rrobson at greenlightcrm.com>
>>> Organisation: 	Greenlight Innovation
>>> To: 	OpenSIPS users mailling list <users at lists.opensips.org>
>>> During testing we are ramping up sipp to give ~100 CPS between internal
>>> servers and opensips crashes with a seg fault
>>> sipp  -sn uac -s 441382250180  -r 1 -rp 1000
>>> -recv_timeout 7500 -send_timeout 7500 -d 5000
>>> the sipp calls are being routed to an asterisk server, which is playing
>>> audio
>>> Calls are going via an RTPengine on a different box
>>> everything is on CENTOS 7.2
>>> I'm using the latest git of 2.2.1 on a virtual host 8 cores and 8GB
>>> its OK up to around 60 CPS (350 calls) but ramping up to 100 CPS (750
>>> concurrent calls) causes the segfault.
>>> we are seeing the systemd-journal being the heaviest CPU user, but not
>>> sure if this is unrelated
>>> here is the backtrace:http://pastebin.com/SjaSJx7w
>>> -- 
>>> Richard Robson
>>> Greenlight Support
>>> 01382 843843
>>> support at greenlightcrm.com
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> -- 
> Richard Robson
> Greenlight Support
> 01382 843843
> support at greenlightcrm.com

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