[OpenSIPS-Users] rtpproxy and parallel forking

Pete Kelly pkelly at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 10:44:33 CEST 2015

I am using rtpproxy with parallel fork and noticed some interesting
behaviour (by rtpproxy).

If the INVITE is forked to 2 destinations (A and B), one of them (A) may
send a 183 with media, meaning there is media being sent to the rtpproxy.

However if it is B that answers, rtpproxy will still only be set up to send
and receive media to A, and will continue to do so which means there is no
media on the call.

Reading the rtpproxy docs I think it is because of this:

"After the session has been created, the proxy listens on the port it has
allocated for that session and waits for receiving at least one UDP packet
from each of two parties participating in the call. Once such packet is
received, the proxy fills one of two ip:port structures associated with
each call with source ip:port of that packet"

Is there a known way round this issue, other than stopping A from sending
media to rtpproxy or using late offer INVITEs?
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