[OpenSIPS-Users] db_mysql compilation issues.... Resolved.

Kelvin Williams kelvin at kelvinwilliams.net
Wed Jun 25 04:30:55 CEST 2014

Several times recently when trying to build OpenSIPS from source I had
trouble with the required MySQL libraries not being found even though I
knew they were installed on the box.

After looking a bit further I found that the libmysqlclient-dev package
does not install them in /usr/lib/mysql/* but /usr/lib/mysql.  The includes
specify the mysql directory.

I've created a patch that I use now prior to compilation and it works every
time (on our Ubuntu boxes).  Is there a reason for the hard path to mysql/*?

Patch: https://gist.github.com/kelvinewilliams/6767892c153193b11008


Kelvin Williams
kelvin at kelvinwilliams.net
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