[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSips as simple frontend to Asterisk to deal with NAT

Rudy Eschauzier reschauzier at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 23 19:32:25 CET 2014

Ok, I think I am getting there. I am able to forward the client registration to Asterisk, and Twinkle reports "registration succeeded" (YES!). I am having some trouble saving the location, however.

This is what I have:

onreply_route {
        xlog("incoming reply\n");

xlog("L_INFO","\n\n$C(bc)[  Reply $rs ($rr) from $si concerning $rm  ]$C(xx)\n$mb$C(bc)[  End of Reply  ]$C(xx)\n");

  if ($rs==200) {

The forwarding is done in the main route block like this:


But the result that OpenSips gives is:
Feb 23 19:22:29 [26043] ERROR:registrar:save: Transaction not created on Register - can not save on reply

That seems to make sense, as the transaction is created by the t_relay. How else would OpenSips know where the response is coming from?

Any suggestions?


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