[OpenSIPS-Users] Known issue in usrloc

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Fri Jun 7 15:09:04 CEST 2013

Hello all,

This is an informative email, related to a known issue currently present 
on the *1.9* branch. Since the fix also implies making structural table 
changes, it will only be present in the upcoming major release.

Going into the details, the problem is related to storing the *branch 
flags* of all contacts in the */location/**/table/*. If the script is 
changed (in a way that /adds/ branch flags, or /interchanges/ some 
branch flag assignments), all the branch flag bitmasks of the contacts 
stored in the location table suddenly have no meaning (in other words, 
they are now/corrupt/).

*Symptoms*: If the server is restarted using the new script, contacts 
may either be loaded with undesired branch flags, or some of them may 
not be set (maybe a "DO_NAT" bflag will be missing).

*Workaround*: If the script changes in the way described above 
(/more/less/ bflags or different b-flags are /assigned/cleared/ in a new 
order), *all the contacts* in the location table *must be **purged* 
before restarting opensips.

The issue will be addressed on the working branch, but we prefer not to 
propagate the changes to the 1.9 branch because the (only) solution is 
not quite backwards-compatible.

We will soon create a "Known Issues" page in the /Manuals/ section of 
the /OpenSIPS Documentation/ [1] to better inform everyone of such details.

Best regards,

[1]: http://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Manuals
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