[OpenSIPS-Users] Dialog vars not being sync'ed from DB to memory

Razvan Crainea razvan at opensips.org
Wed May 16 10:34:38 CEST 2012

Hi, Mariana!

Can you check if the variables are properly flushed into the DB after 200OK?
Also, if you only want to check the direction of a sequential request, 
you could use directly the $DLG_dir [1] pseudovariable from the dialog 

[1] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.8.x/dialog.html#id295750


Ra(zvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Developer

On 05/15/2012 10:03 PM, Mariana Arduini wrote:
> Hello all,
> We need to perform some substitutions in the R-URI and Contact header 
> in order to have the following flow working as required:
> caller > opensips1 > opensips2 > callee
> Currently, opensips1 stores "call_id", "caller_tag" and 
> "caller_contact" Dialog variables using function store_dlg_value() on 
> new INVITES, and "callee_contact" on 200 OK for the INVITES. Later, 
> for sequential requests, it compares the from_tag with the caller_tag, 
> accessed using fetch_dlg_value(), to find out whether it is a request 
> from the caller or from the callee, and it works. Then I started 
> working on failover for opensips1, and that's where I'm facing 
> problems. I'm playing with "db_flush_vals_profiles" new parameter and 
> "dlg_db_sync" new fifo command, both on Dialog module, in order to 
> have a stand by opensips1 taking over the dialogs going on in an 
> active opensips1, in case it fails. This is the test:
> 1) active opensips is running listening on virtual ip say
> 2) caller sends INVITE to, which goes to active opensips
> 3) active opensips is stopped and it's virtual ip set down; same 
> virtual ip is set up in stand by opensips and it is started; fifo 
> command dlg_db_sync is run on stand by opensips
> 4) caller sends BYE to, which goes to stand by opensips
> After loose_route(), stand by opensips cannot fetch_dlg_value for 
> "caller_tag" and the R-URI is set to 0. Then I tried the following, 
> using only one opensips:
> 1) caller sends INVITE to opensips
> 2) fifo command dlg_list_ctx is run and shows all of the variables I 
> stored
> 3) opensips is restarted and fifo command dlg_db_sync is run
> 4) fifo command dlg_list_ctx is run again and shows only the dialog 
> info, not the variables in context
> I also 
> tried get_dialog_info("caller_tag","$var(caller_tag)","call_id","$ci"); and 
> $dlg_val(), but yet the variables are not found:
> 22232: DBG:dialog:fetch_dlg_value: looking for <caller_tag>
> 22232: DBG:dialog:fetch_dlg_value: var NOT found!
> 22232: ERROR:core:do_assign: no value in right expression
> 22232: ERROR:core:do_assign: error at line: 134
> 22232: callid(1-5150 at <mailto:1-5150 at>) 
> trying dlg_val(), caller_tag: 0
> 22232: DBG:core:comp_scriptvar: str 20 : uac1192.168.16.154
> 22232: DBG:dialog:fetch_dlg_value: looking for <caller_contact>
> 22232: DBG:dialog:fetch_dlg_value: var NOT found!
> 22232: ERROR:core:do_assign: no value in right expression
> 22232: ERROR:core:do_assign: error at line: 146
> 22232: callid(1-5150 at <mailto:1-5150 at>) 
> trying dlg_val(), caller_contact: 0
> 22232: DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
> 22232: DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
> 22232: DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
> 22232: DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=5130, isACK=0
> 22232: DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
> 22232: DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
> 22232: ERROR:core:parse_uri: uri too short: <0> (1)
> 22232: ERROR:core:parse_sip_msg_uri: bad uri <0>
> 22232: DBG:core:set_err_info: ec: 1, el: 3, ei: 'error parsing r-uri'
> 22232: ERROR:tm:new_t: uri invalid
> 22232: ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
> There is no error logs when dlg_db_sync is run. I see in the dialog 
> table a column called from_tag, is there a way to get its content for 
> a certain dialog? It seems the functions get_dialog_info(), 
> fetch_dlg_info() and $dlg_val() only look for variables in the column 
> vars.
> Can anyone see other type of solution that does not involve 
> storing/fetching dialog variables? I could take on that.
> I'd really appreciate any help on this.
> This is my cfg file:
> ...
> modparam("dialog", "db_url", 
> "postgres://opensips:opensips@opensips_db_host:5432/opensips")
> modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1)
> modparam("dialog", "db_flush_vals_profiles", 1)
> ...
> route {
> ...
> if(is_method("INVITE")) {
> create_dialog();
> store_dlg_value("caller_tag", "$ft");
> xlog("L_INFO","Storing caller_tag: $ft");
> store_dlg_value("caller_contact", "$ct.fields(uri)");
> xlog("L_INFO","Storing caller_contact: $ct.fields(uri)");
> store_dlg_value("call_id", "$ci");
> xlog("L_INFO","Storing call_id: $ci");
>                 route(1);
>         }
> ...
> if (has_totag()) {
> # sequential request withing a dialog should
> # take the path determined by record-routing
> if (loose_route()) {
>                     $var(caller_tag) = $dlg_val(caller_tag);
>                     xlog("L_INFO","trying dlg_val(), caller_tag: 
> $var(caller_tag)\n");
>                     if ($ft == $var(caller_tag)) {
>                         $var(callee_contact) = $dlg_val(callee_contact);
>                         xlog("L_INFO"," trying dlg_val(), 
> callee_contact: $var(callee_contact)\n");
>                         $ru = $var(callee_contact);
>                     } else {
>                         $var(caller_contact) = $dlg_val(caller_contact);
>                         xlog("L_INFO"," trying dlg_val(), 
> caller_contact: $var(caller_contact)\n");
>                         $ru = $var(caller_contact);
>                     }
> }
> }
>         record_route();
>         if (!t_relay()) {
>                 send_reply("500","Internal Error");
>         };
>         exit;
> }
> ...
> route[1] {
> # for INVITEs enable some additional helper routes
> if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>     $rd="opensips2.domain.com <http://opensips2.domain.com>";
>             $rp="5060";
>             # Change Contact header
>             if 
> (subst('/^Contact\s*:\s*("[^"]*")?\s*<?sip:(([^@]*)@)?([^;>]*)((;[^;>]*)*)>?(.*)/Contact: 
> <sip:plain at my.domain.com <mailto:sip%3Aplain at my.domain.com>\5>\7/ig')) {
>                 xlog("L_DBG","CONTACT was modified");
>             }
>     t_on_reply("2");
> }
> }
> ...
> onreply_route[2] {
>         if(is_present_hf("Contact")) {
>             xlog("L_INFO"," Storing callee_contact: $ct.fields(uri)");
>             store_dlg_value("callee_contact", "$ct.fields(uri)");
>         }
>         if 
> (subst('/^Contact\s*:\s*("[^"]*")?\s*<?sip:([^@]*)@[^;>]*((;[^;>]*)*)>?(.*)/Contact: 
> <sip:\2 at my.domain.com <mailto:2 at my.domain.com>\3>\5/ig')) {
>             xlog("L_DBG","CONTACT was modified");
>         }
> }
> ...
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