[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs-CP CDRviewer question

Christian Vo cvo at nvidia.com
Wed Mar 24 19:35:42 CET 2010


So I realized I didn't have accounting to database enabled properly,
And added the following lines to my opensips.cfg:

modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://<user>:<passwd>@localhost/opensips")
modparam("acc", "db_extra", "caller_id=$fu; callee_id=$tu")

now I see there is an entry into the "acc" table:

mysql> select * from acc;
| id | method | from_tag                         | to_tag   | callid                                   | sip_code | sip_reason | time                | cdr_id | src_uri | dst_uri | caller_id           | caller_domain | rpid | src_ip | src_port | sip_proxy_ip | user_agent | accountcode | amaflags | callee_id           | callee_domain | contact |
|  1 | INVITE | 1BB69EB7976D43D1FA7F0A976BCFF582 | 9b522302 | E06F4B164B33933E42E1DC53B510F59D1133C657 | 200      | OK         | 2010-03-24 11:20:03 |      0 |         |         | sip:1000 at |               |      |        |          |              |            |             |          | sip:1003 at |               | NULL    |
|  2 | ACK    | 1BB69EB7976D43D1FA7F0A976BCFF582 | 9b522302 | E06F4B164B33933E42E1DC53B510F59D1133C657 | 200      | OK         | 2010-03-24 11:20:03 |      0 |         |         | sip:1000 at |               |      |        |          |              |            |             |          | sip:1003 at |               | NULL    |
|  3 | BYE    | 1BB69EB7976D43D1FA7F0A976BCFF582 | 9b522302 | E06F4B164B33933E42E1DC53B510F59D1133C657 | 200      | OK         | 2010-03-24 11:20:26 |      0 |         |         | sip:1000 at |               |      |        |          |              |            |             |          | sip:1003 at |               | NULL    |

However, when I  view from CDRViewer, the
Caller, Callee , and Leg Type fields for this entry are blank.

Is this expected behavior?

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