[OpenSIPS-Users] Starting OpenXCAP without any logs

CheeWii quanwei87 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 15:14:41 CET 2010


I have Installed Openxcap ,Soap-Simple-proxy,and Opensips-mi-proxy following
the instruction from http://openxcap.org/wiki/Installation ,my system is
debian 5.0_64,so I used the method of " apt-get install ***";

After I finished installation,I use "ps -ef|grep ***" to check the running
process. There is no  Openxcap process.

I retried: /etc/init.d/openxcap start

Openxcap is still not runing.

Then I look up the log ,/var/log/syslog and
/var/log/openxcap/access.log;there is not any log about openxcap!

What wrong with me ??

I retried: /usr/bin/openxcap --no-log
Then It shows:
debianNTT:/usr/bin# ./openxcap --no-fork
Starting OpenXCAP 1.1.2
Trusted peers:
xcap.server.HTTPFactory starting on 80

But I tried :/usr/bin/openxcap
It shows:
debianNTT:/usr/bin# ./openxcap
debianNTT:/usr/bin# ps -ef|grep openxcap
root      6340  5929  0 22:14 pts/2    00:00:00 grep openxcap

No any log exist~ What can I do for this ? I have installed successfully in
debian_32 before.. Is it some wrong about debian_64??

Thanks a lot!
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