[OpenSIPS-Users] [OpenSIPS-Devel] Presence Subscriptions from External Domains

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Thu Aug 26 23:53:23 CEST 2010

2010/8/26 Adrian Georgescu <ag at ag-projects.com>:
> I remember that some opposed the use of this RFC when it came about telephone numbers because there is no domain part involved.

Section 11 of the RFC 4474 talks about this subject but gives no
solution (a SIP URI must be used in the From header in order to use
SIP Identity).

> For Presence I do not see telephone numbers involved but only SIP URIs.

In IMS world there are TEL URI's. When a IMS phone adds a buddy (in
the complex and hyper limited resource-lists document) or when it
calls a telephone number then it uses a TEL URI as Request-URI /

But probably they still use a SIP URI in the From as the phone is
provided with a user and domain (usually). However remember that many
OMA documents about the disastrous XCAP/XDM protocol show examples in
which the "user" part of a XCAP URL is a TEL URI rather than a SIP
URI, so perhaps in those cases the phone also make calls using a TEL
URI in the From, which would make the RFC 4474 unuseful.

> Would there be other issues against the use of this RFC for this very purpose?

IMHO it's the best solution.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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