[OpenSIPS-Users] Modify SDP

Hasitha Lalinda hasithamail at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 22:20:53 CET 2009

Try like this and see if it works?

if (is_method("INVITE") || status=="200" || status=="183") {

  replace_body("723/8000", "G723/8000-test");


On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Daryl G. Jurbala <daryl at introspect.net>wrote:

> So I have a related issue.....
> UA ====  OpenSIPS ==== Dialogic IMG
> The Dialogic likes to send back a media attribute of "bitrate:5.3" in the
> SDP when negotiating G723 .  This is fine for most UAs, but it breaks
> Linksys PAP2's.  I've tried all sorts of things so far, and gotten down to a
> very simple:
> replace_body("a=bitrate:5.3", "a=bitrate:999");
> in my main routing block.  It's not having any affect.
> To test, I put a "replace_body("723/8000", "G723/8000-test");" in the same
> place.  It mangles the SDP between the OpenSIPS box and the Dialogic IMG on
> the INVITE, but the 183 and 200 coming back from the IMG through the
> OpenSIPS to the UA remains untouched.
> I'm sure I'm missing something basic here, so a pointer in the right
> direction would be very helpful.
> Thanks,
> Daryl
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