[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs on CentOS

Darrin Henshaw DHenshaw at Ignition.bm
Fri Mar 20 17:52:50 CET 2009


First time poster here. I'm running a few Asterisk 1.2 systems across geographically different areas. At our main site we are running an Asterisk cluster, using Heartbeat, it works well, but I'm always looking at improving it. To that extent I want to test out OpenSIPS as a load balancing option in my test environment.

My manager, who I have to follow guidelines set by him, is a large fan of RPM installations rather than source. Due to that I'm trying to build an RPM of OpenSIPS to be used on EL4. He also like using yum when it comes to updating and installing since it will handle dependencies fairly well.

Now onto my actual reason for emailing. In attempting to build the RPM I can get most of the dependencies installed, with the exception of libxml2. That's the kicker. I can get the rpm for it from ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/, but there are a fair amount of dependencies for it, and I don't have the correct repositories for it. My questions are as follows:

1.       Does anyone know a fairly easy way I can nab the dependencies for libxml2? RPM's or yum repos would be best.

2.       What would be the downside of simply ignoring the dependency for libxml2, and CPL? The actual spec file supplied states:
%%package  cpl
Summary:  CPL interpreter engine for the OpenSIPS.
Group:    System Environment/Daemons
Requires: opensips = %ver
BuildPrereq:  libxml2-dev



Darrin Henshaw

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