[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs log file Analyzer like logwatch

Marc Leurent marc.leurent at vtx-telecom.ch
Tue Mar 17 17:36:19 CET 2009

Hello everybody,
I would be interested, and I'm sure not to be the only one, to have a kind of daily opensips log analyser report each day of:
 - blacklisted IPs by the pike module
 - total number of calls/transaction (opensipsctl fifo get_statistics tm: ,......)
 - flapping or failed gateways of the dispatcher module
 - ...

I used to have a logwatch running on my servers, and before trying to add an opensips file into 
/usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services I would like to know if you have a better way to do it?


Have a nice afternoon!

-- --
Ingénieur VoIP

Une société du groupe VTX Telecom
Rue Eugène-Marziano 15 - 1227 Les Acacias
http://www.vtx.ch - marc.leurent at vtx-telecom.ch
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