[OpenSIPS-Users] CallControl - CDRTool : MySQL server has gone away (2006)

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Fri Jul 24 15:02:31 CEST 2009

If you lower the mysql connection timeout to a a few minutes you will  
see in syslog that the software is able to reconnect correctly in case  
of 2006 or 2013.

But I have seen this myself too, randomly it fails and though the  
error code is intercepted in mysql connection library used by cdrtool  
(in db_mysql.inc) sometimes it still does not work as expected and  
could not trace the reason how it can do this. Maybe you can inspect  
that code add some debugging statements to it and find the culprit.


On Jul 24, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Yves Premel-Cabic wrote:

> Hello,
> I've already created a ticket related to this problem on the CDRTool
> website, but I guess more people will read it on this list!
> i'm running CDRTool 6.8.1 and CallControl 2.0.4. I'm still testing a
> future prod. install, but i'm having a problem.
> When I start the servers, everything is working fine. CallControl
> <http://cdrtool.ag-projects.com/wiki/CallControl> successfuly stops
> calls, user's balances are correctly handled... But when I go  
> sleeping,
> and then tries again without restarting the server (no one is using  
> the
> server during the night), CallControl via Opensips returns 500  
> Internal
> Server Error. /var/log/syslog says :
> cdrtool[14709]: Database error for select * from prepaid where  
> account =
> 'ypremel at domail.net': MySQL server has gone away (2006)
> I've seen there are 3 reason for this error (
> http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-43505.html ) but  
> the
> most logical error should be the one due to the wait_timeout  
> parameter.
> But I don't understand, changelog says that this problem has been  
> fixed
> since the 6.5.1 release...
> What can I do? Am I doing something wrong? Should I increase
> wait_timeout param in mysql? ( I'd like to fix this in CDRTool :
> Opensips Mysql connection is always ok), same thing for freeradius...)
> Thanks in advance!
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