[OpenSIPS-Users] Load balancer - how to not change origination ip

Gabriel Georgescu gabrielgeo99 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 18:32:32 CEST 2009


I'm trying to set a load balancer for a farm of windows machines running voip.
I was able to set opensips using load_balancer.so module as in 
tutorial but I have two problems:

1. the call arrives at the windows machine with the origination IP 
changed to the opensips ip, which makes billing impossible on 
windows. In my scenario opensips should only forward/distribute calls 
in the simplest way without altering origination ip.
    Is there any method to forward the origination IP when doing load_balance?

2. a ringing call is not disconnected if the origination party hangs up.
    I think it misses a treatement for BYE sent from origination 
while call is in "connecting" state.
    Any clues how to correct this?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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