[OpenSIPS-Users] WARNING:core:send2child: no free tcp receiver

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Mon Jan 12 18:50:02 CET 2009

2009/1/12 Adrian Georgescu <ag at ag-projects.com>:
> Use UDP transport, it works reliable.

Ops, does it mean that UDP is more suitable in a SIP proxy/server than TCP?
I really would like SIP to migrate to TCP asap.

So, if OpenSIPS tries to do a TCP connection and it takes some time
(some seconds) until a timeout occurs, then that process is unable to
handle other SIP requests. an attacker could send just 100 SIP request
with ";transport=TCP" in the RURI and a RURI host which drops the TCP
This would cause all the OpenSIPS TCP processes being blocked !! is it?

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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