[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.5.0 crashes when using is_user_in()

olex at osm.org.ua olex at osm.org.ua
Fri Feb 6 11:53:35 CET 2009

Hello, Bogdan!
Hello, Sergio!

Unfortunately I've got no error messages (even in debug mode).
But now opensips does not crashes and works very well. (rev5252).

Thank You, Guys!

> Hi,
> I made a fix (to avoid crashing) - please updated from SVN and try again.
> Most probably you will get some error in log, so please post them here.
> Thanks and regards,
> Bogdan
> olex at osm.org.ua wrote:
>> The problem was that opensips binary was stripped after compilation.
>> Here is full backtrace.
>> #0  get_username_domain (msg=0x7fe9e6356468, gcp=0x0,
>> username=0x7fffee0cc070,
>>     domain=0x7fffee0cc0b0) at group.c:59
>> 	puri = {user = {s = 0x6d00000001 <Address 0x6d00000001 out of bounds>,
>>     len = 4}, passwd = {s = 0x0, len = 7200}, host = {s = 0x7fe9e6417690
>> "EET",
>>     len = -436117617}, port = {s = 0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of
>> bounds>,
>>     len = -432850920}, params = {s = 0x7fe9e6358168 "", len =
>> -432851312},
>> headers = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", len = -301148160}, port_no = 1, proto =
>> 0,
>>   type = ERROR_URI_T, transport = {s = 0x7fe9e5716560 "H\201��", len =
>> 24}, ttl = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cbf80 "", len = -301154624}, user_param = {s = 0x0, len
>> =
>> -445555808},
>>   maddr = {s = 0x7fffee0cbeb0 "��\f��\177", len = -502729501}, method =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e59959a0 "", len = -431565200}, lr = {s = 0x0, len = -1},
>> r2
>> = {
>>     s = 0x7300000000000000 <Address 0x7300000000000000 out of bounds>,
>>     len = -301152992}, transport_val = {s = 0x7fe9e56df3ad
>> "\205�\017\204\205\001",
>>     len = 16}, ttl_val = {s = 0xee0cc570 <Address 0xee0cc570 out of
>> bounds>, len = -1},
>>   user_param_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, maddr_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0},
>> method_val = {
>>     s = 0x500000011 <Address 0x500000011 out of bounds>, len =
>> -432850920}, lr_val = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e6358168 "", len = 0}, r2_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468
>> "\004",
>>     len = -432850920}}
>> 	turi = (struct sip_uri *) 0x0
>> 	h = (struct hdr_field *) 0x0
>> 	c = (struct auth_body *) 0x0
>> 	value = {rs = {s = 0x2010 "", len = -301154656}, ri = 29, flags = 51}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "get_username_domain"
>> #1  0x00007fe9e208d278 in is_user_in (_msg=0x7fe9e6356468, _hf=0x0,
>>     _grp=0x7fe9e6333690 "\001") at group.c:153
>> 	my_ps = (db_ps_t) 0x0
>> 	keys = {0x7fe9e2291070, 0x7fe9e2291090, 0x7fe9e2291080}
>> 	vals = {{type = DB_DOUBLE, nul = 0, free = 33188, val = {int_val = 0,
>>       double_val = 0, time_val = 0, string_val = 0x0, str_val = {s =
>> 0x0,
>>         len = -445245638}, blob_val = {s = 0x0, len = -445245638},
>> bitmap_val = 0}}, {
>>     type = 3849721658, nul = 32745, free = -432708504, val = {int_val =
>> -432708504,
>>       double_val = 6.9486660384542317e-310, time_val = 140642566366312,
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>       string_val = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", str_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468
>> "\004",
>>         len = -470301741}, blob_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", len =
>> -470301741},
>>       bitmap_val = 3862258792}}, {type = 16, nul = 48, free =
>> -301152512,
>> val = {
>>       int_val = -301152704, double_val = 6.9533409289144845e-310,
>>       time_val = 140737187202624, string_val = 0x7fffee0cc640 "",
>> str_val = {
>>         s = 0x7fffee0cc640 "", len = -445755489}, blob_val = {s =
>> 0x7fffee0cc640 "",
>>         len = -445755489}, bitmap_val = 3993814592}}}
>> 	col = {0x7fe9e2291090}
>> 	res = (db_res_t *) 0x0
>> 	hf_s = {s = 0x7fe9e6333818 "Session-Expires: 1800\r\n", len = 4}
>> 	grp_s = {s = 0x7fe9e63338a8 "zero_balance", len = 12}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "is_user_in"
>> 	hfPtr = (group_check_p) 0x0
>> #2  0x00007fe9e5fe2f17 in do_action (a=0x7fe9e6333938,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:961
>> 	val_s = {s = 0x7fffee0cc438 "", len = 32}
>> 	expires = -432708504
>> 	aux = {s = 0x7fffee0cc520 "", len = -445691043}
>> 	ret = -5
>> 	v = 1
>> 	to = (union sockaddr_union *) 0xfffffffb
>> 	p = (struct proxy_l *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	tmp = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
>> 	new_uri = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004"
>> 	end = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>
>> 	crt = 0xfffffffb <Address 0xfffffffb out of bounds>
>> 	len = -301148160
>> 	user = 0
>> 	uri = {user = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, passwd = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, host =
>> {s
>> = 0x0,
>>     len = 0}, port = {s = 0x0, len = -431848992}, params = {s = 0x0, len
>> =
>> 0},
>>   headers = {s = 0x0, len = -432745568}, port_no = 65191, proto = 58926,
>> type = 32745,
>>   transport = {s = 0x7fe9e5702193 "\211�\203=Tr)", len = 0}, ttl = {s =
>> 0x0, len = 0},
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>   user_param = {s = 0xffffffff00000000 <Address 0xffffffff00000000 out
>> of
>> bounds>,
>>     len = 0}, maddr = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", len = -432851208},
>> method = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e6356488 "��.��\177", len = -432851176}, lr = {
>>     s = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>, len = 21}, r2 = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e6029b91
>> "\205�\017\224�\017��IcT$\bI\213\004$D\2104\020A\203�\026\017\205�",
>> len = 0}, transport_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6427960 "PzB��\177", len = 0},
>> ttl_val = {
>>     s = 0x0, len = 0}, user_param_val = {s = 0x7fe9e634cea0 "`yB��\177",
>>     len = -433127769}, maddr_val = {s = 0x7fe9e5702193 "\211�\203=Tr)",
>> len = 0},
>>   method_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004",
>> len = 0},
>>   r2_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", len = -432859640}}
>> 	next_hop = {user = {s = 0x7fe9e645e510 "\022", len = 0}, passwd = {
>>     s = 0x100000011 <Address 0x100000011 out of bounds>, len = 0}, host
>> = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e64280d0 "", len = 50}, port = {
>>     s = 0x600000000 <Address 0x600000000 out of bounds>, len = 0},
>> params
>> = {s = 0x0,
>>     len = -431848992}, headers = {s = 0xe646d670 <Address 0xe646d670 out
>> of bounds>,
>>     len = 0}, port_no = 65191, proto = 58926, type = 32745, transport =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e634d3a0 "�\201B��\177", len = 0}, ttl = {s = 0x0, len =
>> 88},
>>   user_param = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d670 "<27>Feb  5 17:51:29 /usr/sbin/opensips[4296]:
>> ERROR:group:get_hf: unsupported User Field identifier\n", len = 0},
>> maddr = {
>>     s = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, len = -431665056}, method = {s
>> =
>> 0x0,
>>     len = -1}, lr = {s = 0x7fffee0cc4dc "�\177", len = -433127769}, r2 =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e64634f0 "��D��\177", len = 0}, transport_val = {s = 0x0,
>> len = 0},
>>   ttl_val = {s = 0x1700000000 <Address 0x1700000000 out of bounds>, len
>> =
>> 23},
>>   user_param_val = {s = 0x2400000011 <Address 0x2400000011 out of
>> bounds>,
>> len = 36},
>>   maddr_val = {s = 0x600000024 <Address 0x600000024 out of bounds>, len
>> = 0},
>>   method_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6428288 "", len = 16777217}, lr_val = {
>>     s = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, len = -431848992}, r2_val = {
>>     s = 0x1100000000 <Address 0x1100000000 out of bounds>, len = 0}}
>> 	u = (struct sip_uri *) 0x0
>> 	port = 0
>> 	cmatch = -5
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>> 	aitem = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e6356468
>> 	adefault = (struct action *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	spec = (pv_spec_t *) 0x7fe9e6356468
>> 	model = (pv_elem_p) 0x0
>> 	val = {rs = {s = 0x16 <Address 0x16 out of bounds>, len = 0}, ri =
>> -301152992,
>>   flags = 32767}
>> 	pve = (pv_elem_t *) 0x0
>> 	name_s = {s = 0x0, len = -442934976}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "do_action"
>> #3  0x00007fe9e5fdf3d9 in run_action_list (a=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:139
>> 	ret = -1
>> 	t = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e6333938
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "run_action_list"
>> #4  0x00007fe9e6024342 in eval_elem (e=0x7fe9e6333a08,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> val=0x0)
>>     at route.c:1182
>> 	uri = {user = {s = 0x0, len = -445873502}, passwd = {
>>     s = 0xf <Address 0xf out of bounds>, len = 0}, host = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e5762b20 "^0-9,+-]", len = -431565189}, port = {
>>     s = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>, len = 0}, params = {
>>     s = 0xffffff3b000000c5 <Address 0xffffff3b000000c5 out of bounds>,
>> len
>> = 0},
>>   headers = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, port_no = 0, proto = 0, type =
>>   transport = {s = 0x7fe900000000 <Address 0x7fe900000000 out of
>> bounds>,
>>     len = -445245638}, ttl = {s = 0x7fe9e57633a3 "", len = 0},
>> user_param = {
>>     s = 0x100000000 <Address 0x100000000 out of bounds>, len =
>> -301150696}, maddr = {
>>     s = 0x0, len = -459498875}, method = {
>>     s = 0xc5e56e4f9f <Address 0xc5e56e4f9f out of bounds>, len = -1}, lr
>> =
>> {s = 0x0,
>>     len = -301150320}, r2 = {s = 0x7fe9e49c9a85 "%.*s", len =
>> -431565808},
>>   transport_val = {s = 0x1000 "y", len = 16}, ttl_val = {s =
>> 0x7fffee0cce60 "\024",
>>     len = -301150816}, user_param_val = {
>>     s = 0x4948347a <Address 0x4948347a out of bounds>, len = 0},
>> maddr_val
>> = {
>>     s = 0x4948347a <Address 0x4948347a out of bounds>, len = 0},
>> method_val = {s = 0x0,
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>     len = -432851208}, lr_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004", len =
>> -432708504},
>>   r2_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6029db5 "��\001", len = -442948928}}
>> 	ret = -5
>> 	ival = -432708504
>> 	lval = {rs = {s = 0x7fffee0ccd80 "p�F��\177", len = -445238369},
>>   ri = -431565808, flags = 32745}
>> 	rval = {rs = {s = 0x7fe9e57633a0 "%d]", len = 0}, ri = -1, flags = -1}
>> 	p = 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004"
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "eval_elem"
>> #5  0x00007fe9e6029db5 in eval_expr (e=0x7fe9e6333a08,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> val=0x0)
>>     at route.c:1479
>> 	rec_lev = 3
>> 	ret = 0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "eval_expr"
>> #6  0x00007fe9e6029e15 in eval_expr (e=0x7fe9e6333a50,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> val=0x0)
>>     at route.c:1486
>> 	rec_lev = 3
>> 	ret = 0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "eval_expr"
>> #7  0x00007fe9e6029e66 in eval_expr (e=0x7fe9e6333a98,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> val=0x0)
>>     at route.c:1500
>> 	rec_lev = 3
>> 	ret = 0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "eval_expr"
>> #8  0x00007fe9e5fe1c5b in do_action (a=0x7fe9e6333ec0,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:688
>> 	val_s = {s = 0x7fe9e6330498 "\002", len = -5}
>> 	expires = -432882096
>> 	aux = {s = 0x7fe9e646d660 "`\002", len = -432708504}
>> 	ret = -5
>> 	v = 1
>> 	to = (union sockaddr_union *) 0x7fe9e646d67b
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>> 	p = (struct proxy_l *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	tmp = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
>> 	new_uri = 0x7fe9e5762b0b "/etc/localtime"
>> 	end = 0xf <Address 0xf out of bounds>
>> 	crt = 0xfffffffb <Address 0xfffffffb out of bounds>
>> 	len = -301148160
>> 	user = 0
>> 	uri = {user = {s = 0x7fe9e634a030 "", len = -432708504}, passwd = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd800 "\002", len = -435798311}, host = {s = 0x0, len =
>> -431565104},
>>   port = {s = 0x0, len = -432758640}, params = {
>>     s = 0x330000001d <Address 0x330000001d out of bounds>, len = 17},
>> headers = {
>>     s = 0x6d00000001 <Address 0x6d00000001 out of bounds>, len = 4},
>> port_no = 0,
>>   proto = 0, type = 32745, transport = {s = 0x1c20 "", len =
>> -431917424},
>> ttl = {
>>     s = 0xe <Address 0xe out of bounds>, len = 0}, user_param = {
>>     s = 0x3 <Address 0x3 out of bounds>, len = -432708504}, maddr = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e632bd30 "��2��\177", len = -432708504}, method = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd800 "\002", len = -301148160}, lr = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e5716560
>> "H\201��",
>>     len = 32}, r2 = {s = 0x7fffee0cd070 "hd5��\177", len = 0},
>> transport_val = {
>>     s = 0x3ae646d670 <Address 0x3ae646d670 out of bounds>, len =
>> -432757997},
>>   ttl_val = {s = 0x0, len = -432873752}, user_param_val = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004",
>>     len = -432708504}, maddr_val = {s = 0x7fe9e6029db5 "��\001", len =
>> 16},
>>   method_val = {s = 0x7fffee0cd510 "\024", len = 0}, lr_val = {
>>     s = 0x29 <Address 0x29 out of bounds>, len = 0}, r2_val = {s = 0x0,
>>     len = -432864104}}
>> 	next_hop = {user = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d670 "<27>Feb  5 17:51:29 /usr/sbin/opensips[4296]:
>> ERROR:group:get_hf: unsupported User Field identifier\n", len =
>> -445875032}, passwd = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0ccda0 "@Y\231��\177", len = -432705496}, host = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len = -442934976}, port = {
>>     s = 0xf4 <Address 0xf4 out of bounds>, len = -431565200}, params =
>> {s
>> = 0x0,
>>     len = 1}, headers = {s = 0x7fe9e49c9a85 "%.*s", len = -445871724},
>> port_no = 8208,
>>   proto = 0, type = ERROR_URI_T, transport = {s = 0x7fffee0cce70
>> "p�F��\177",
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>     len = -431565808}, ttl = {s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len = -431565808},
>> user_param = {
>>     s = 0x0, len = 0}, maddr = {s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len =
>> -442934976},
>> method = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d410 "�Y\231��\177", len = -1}, lr = {s = 0x0, len =
>> -301150320},
>>   r2 = {s = 0x7fe9e56c67e8 "\203=\001,-", len = -301150592},
>> transport_val
>> = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e571618f "\220H\213\234$�", len = 20}, ttl_val = {
>>     s = 0x498b0b01 <Address 0x498b0b01 out of bounds>, len =
>> -431565200},
>>   user_param_val = {s = 0xf4 <Address 0xf4 out of bounds>, len =
>> -431565200},
>>   maddr_val = {s = 0x0, len = -445555808}, method_val = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cce80 "p�F��\177", len = 0}, lr_val = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e62f0319
>> "",
>>     len = -301149208}, r2_val = {s = 0x7fe9e600d48e "f\220�:\005", len =
>> -432706168}}
>> 	u = (struct sip_uri *) 0x0
>> 	port = 0
>> 	cmatch = -5
>> 	aitem = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e632be50
>> 	adefault = (struct action *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	spec = (pv_spec_t *) 0x7fe9e632be50
>> 	model = (pv_elem_p) 0x0
>> 	val = {rs = {s = 0x7fe9e646f670 "", len = 8208}, ri = 8208, flags = 0}
>> 	pve = (pv_elem_t *) 0x0
>> 	name_s = {s = 0x0, len = -436059326}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "do_action"
>> #9  0x00007fe9e5fdf3d9 in run_action_list (a=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:139
>> 	ret = 1
>> 	t = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e6333ec0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "run_action_list"
>> #10 0x00007fe9e5fe1d69 in do_action (a=0x7fe9e63343f0,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:705
>> 	val_s = {s = 0x7fffee0cd640 "�C3��\177", len = -435532848}
>> 	expires = -432882096
>> 	aux = {s = 0x7fe9e5762b0b "/etc/localtime", len = -431565196}
>> 	ret = 1
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>> 	v = 1
>> 	to = (union sockaddr_union *) 0x8
>> 	p = (struct proxy_l *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	tmp = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
>> 	new_uri = 0x0
>> 	end = 0x0
>> 	crt = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
>> 	len = -301148160
>> 	user = 32745
>> 	uri = {user = {s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len = -431565808}, passwd = {
>>     s = 0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of bounds>, len = 0}, host =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd640 "�C3��\177", len = -445880344}, port = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd530 "p�F��\177", len = -445554289}, params = {
>>     s = 0x14 <Address 0x14 out of bounds>, len = 1233849089}, headers =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d670 "<27>Feb  5 17:51:29 /usr/sbin/opensips[4296]:
>> ERROR:group:get_hf: unsupported User Field identifier\n", len = 105},
>> port_no = 54896, proto = 58950,
>>   type = 32745, transport = {s = 0x0, len = -445555808}, ttl = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd530 "p�F��\177", len = 0}, user_param = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e4bf126c "�\001",
>>     len = 2}, maddr = {s = 0x479 "", len = -433127723}, method = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e6356470 "\001", len = -432708504}, lr = {s =
>> 0x7fffee0cd800
>> "\002",
>>     len = -301148160}, r2 = {s = 0x7fe9e5716560 "H\201��", len = 0},
>> transport_val = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd680 "p�F��\177", len = 1145}, ttl_val = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e6356468 "\004",
>>     len = 29}, user_param_val = {s = 0x500000011 <Address 0x500000011
>> out
>> of bounds>,
>>     len = 1}, maddr_val = {s = 0x2300000004 <Address 0x2300000004 out of
>> bounds>,
>>     len = 0}, method_val = {s = 0x1c20 "", len = -431917424}, lr_val =
>> {s
>> = 0x0,
>>     len = 0}, r2_val = {s = 0x479 "", len = -301148160}}
>> 	next_hop = {user = {s = 0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of bounds>,
>>     len = 1}, passwd = {s = 0x7fe9e576339c "T ", len = -445245638}, host
>> = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d67b "17:51:29 /usr/sbin/opensips[4296]:
>> ERROR:group:get_hf: unsupported User Field identifier\n", len =
>> -442934888}, port = {s = 0x7fe9e59959a0 "",
>>     len = -431565088}, params = {s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len = 133408},
>> headers = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646f670 "", len = 125328}, port_no = 54880, proto =
>> 58950,
>> type = 32745,
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>   transport = {s = 0x7fe9e56c63d4
>> "�����H\213D$\020H\001�H\211\004$�EH9X\020\017\205
>>     len = -431565200}, ttl = {s = 0x1f <Address 0x1f out of bounds>, len
>> =
>> -1},
>>   user_param = {s = 0x7fe9e646f670 "", len = -431557008}, maddr = {s =
>> 0x2010 "",
>>     len = 8208}, method = {s = 0x0, len = -431565200}, lr = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e56c7ca8
>> "I\215G\020�����H\213|$\020I\215p�L\211\004$�}���I\211�1�L\213\004$M\205�\017\204����I\215M�H\211L$\bM\213e�I\203��H9�\017\204\026\001",
>>     len = -301149104}, r2 = {s = 0x500000004 <Address 0x500000004 out of
>> bounds>,
>>     len = -442934976}, transport_val = {s = 0x7fe9e5995940 "", len =
>> 105},
>> ttl_val = {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e646d670 "<27>Feb  5 17:51:29 /usr/sbin/opensips[4296]:
>> ERROR:group:get_hf: unsupported User Field identifier\n", len = 0},
>> user_param_val = {
>>     s = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, len = -435532848}, maddr_val =
>> {
>>     s = 0x7fe9e56c8994 "I\211�\203=R\n-", len = 8208}, method_val = {
>>     s = 0x7fffee0cd520 "p�F��\177", len = -431565808}, lr_val = {s =
>> 0x7fe9e5995940 "",
>>     len = -431565808}, r2_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}}
>> 	u = (struct sip_uri *) 0x0
>> 	port = 0
>> 	cmatch = 1
>> 	aitem = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e632be50
>> 	adefault = (struct action *) 0x7fffee0cd800
>> 	spec = (pv_spec_t *) 0x7fe9e632be50
>> 	model = (pv_elem_p) 0x0
>> 	val = {rs = {s = 0x7fe9e646d410 "�Y\231��\177", len = -442934976},
>>   ri = -431565808, flags = 14642}
>> 	pve = (pv_elem_t *) 0x0
>> 	name_s = {s = 0x7fffee0cd3a0 "{�F��\177", len = -445783251}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "do_action"
>> #11 0x00007fe9e5fdf3d9 in run_action_list (a=0x7fe9e6356468,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>>     at action.c:139
>> 	ret = 1
>> 	t = (struct action *) 0x7fe9e63343f0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "run_action_list"
>> #12 0x00007fe9e5fdf886 in run_top_route (a=0x7fe9e632be50,
>> msg=0x7fe9e6356468)
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>>     at action.c:119
>> 	bk_action_flags = 0
>> 	bk_rec_lev = 0
>> 	ret = 0
>> #13 0x00007fe9e601ca11 in receive_msg (
>>     buf=0x7fe9e62efea0 "INVITE sip:380322218488 at voip.leotelecom.net
>> SIP/2.0\r\nDate: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:51:29 GMT\r\nCSeq: 2
>> INVITE\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
>> len=1145,
>>     rcv_info=0x7fffee0cd800) at receive.c:165
>> 	msg = (struct sip_msg *) 0x7fe9e6356468
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "receive_msg"
>> #14 0x00007fe9e60571b9 in udp_rcv_loop () at udp_server.c:449
>> 	len = 1145
>> 	buf = "INVITE sip:380322218488 at voip.leotelecom.net SIP/2.0\r\nDate:
>> Thu,
>> 05 Feb 2009 15:51:29 GMT\r\nCSeq: 2 INVITE\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
>> 	tmp = 0x479 ""
>> 	from = (union sockaddr_union *) 0x7fe9e6356448
>> 	fromlen = 16
>> 	ri = {src_ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {140641700949186, 0},
>> addr32 = {
>>         2996841666, 32745, 0, 0}, addr16 = {11458, 45728, 32745, 0, 0,
>> 0,
>> 0, 0},
>>       addr = "�,���\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}, dst_ip =
>> {af = 2,
>>     len = 4, u = {addrl = {983575746, 0}, addr32 = {983575746, 0, 0, 0},
>> addr16 = {
>>         11458, 15008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, addr = "�,�:", '\0' <repeats 11
>> times>}},
>>   src_port = 5085, dst_port = 5060, proto = 1, proto_reserved1 = 0,
>>   proto_reserved2 = 0, src_su = {s = {sa_family = 2,
>>       sa_data = "\023��,��\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin =
>> {sin_family = 2,
>>       sin_port = 56595, sin_addr = {s_addr = 2996841666},
>>       sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}, bind_address =
>> 0x7fe9e6319af0}
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "udp_rcv_loop"
>> #15 0x00007fe9e5ff5007 in main_loop () at main.c:774
>> 	chd_rank = 6
>> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>> 	i = 5
>> 	pid = 0
>> 	si = (struct socket_info *) 0x7fe9e6319af0
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "main_loop"
>> #16 0x00007fe9e5ff7d55 in main (argc=4, argv=0x0) at main.c:1313
>> 	cfg_log_stderr = 0
>> 	cfg_stream = (FILE *) 0x7fe9e64110f0
>> 	c = 0
>> 	r = 0
>> 	tmp = 0x7fffee0cde67 ""
>> 	tmp_len = 0
>> 	port = 0
>> 	proto = 0
>> 	options = 0x7fe9e64110f0 "\230$�
>> 	ret = -1
>> 	seed = 504339942
>> 	rfd = 4
>> 	__FUNCTION__ = "main"
>>> Hmmm, as far as I know, you should include -g in your CFLAGS, to
>>> generate
>>> debugging symbols.
>>> Regards.
>>> Sergio.
>>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:27 AM, <olex at osm.org.ua> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Sergia!
>>>>> Hello Olex.
>>>>> Could you execute a list at frame 0?
>>>> Unfortunately it does not give more info:
>>>> #0  0x00007f46a3f42b0a in get_username_domain () from
>>>> /usr/lib/opensips/modules/group.so
>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>> #1  0x00007f46a3f4364f in is_user_in () from
>>>> /usr/lib/opensips/modules/group.so
>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>> #2  0x00007f46a7e8f64c in do_action () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>> #3  0x00007f46a7e91cc4 in run_action_list () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>> Which commands should I use to compile opensips with debugging
>>>> symbols?
>>>>> Did you download opensips from SVN? What OS are you running on?
>>>> opensips 1.5.0 r5249
>>>> os Gentoo linux x86_64
>>>> $ uname -a
>>>> Linux voip 2.6.25-hardened-r7-20080922 #1 SMP Tue Sep 23 00:30:01 EEST
>>>> 2008 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3220 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel
>>>> GNU/Linux
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> Sergio.
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:12 AM, <olex at osm.org.ua> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, All!
>>>>>> When using function is_user_in() from module group.so there is a
>>>> crash
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> opensips.
>>>>>> The same opensips.cfg was tested on 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 without any
>>>> crashes
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>> /var/log/messages
>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>> Feb  5 16:05:13 voip /usr/sbin/opensips[11992]:
>>>> INFO:core:handle_sigs:
>>>>>> child process 1203
>>>>>> 9 exited by a signal 11
>>>>>> Feb  5 16:05:13 voip /usr/sbin/opensips[11992]:
>>>> INFO:core:handle_sigs:
>>>>>> core was generated
>>>>>> Feb  5 16:05:13 voip /usr/sbin/opensips[11992]:
>>>> INFO:core:handle_sigs:
>>>>>> terminating due to
>>>>>>  SIGCHLD
>>>>>> Feb  5 16:05:13 voip /usr/sbin/opensips[12037]: INFO:core:sig_usr:
>>>>>> signal
>>>>>> 15 received
>>>>>> opensips.cfg(only some strings)
>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>> if (is_user_in("From", "disabled")) {
>>>>>>    xlog("L_INFO", "User is in group 'disabled' F=$fu D=$fd\n");
>>>>>>    rewriteuser("403");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> GDB trace
>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>> #0  0x00007f46a3f42b0a in get_username_domain () from
>>>>>> /usr/lib/opensips/modules/group.so
>>>>>> #1  0x00007f46a3f4364f in is_user_in () from
>>>>>> /usr/lib/opensips/modules/group.so
>>>>>> #2  0x00007f46a7e8f64c in do_action () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #3  0x00007f46a7e91cc4 in run_action_list () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #4  0x00007f46a7ed0f8e in eval_expr () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #5  0x00007f46a7ed0dac in eval_expr () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #6  0x00007f46a7e8e37e in do_action () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #7  0x00007f46a7e91cc4 in run_action_list () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #8  0x00007f46a7e916e5 in do_action () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #9  0x00007f46a7e91cc4 in run_action_list () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #10 0x00007f46a7e916e5 in do_action () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #11 0x00007f46a7e91cc4 in run_action_list () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #12 0x00007f46a7e92046 in run_top_route () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #13 0x00007f46a7ec6d24 in receive_msg () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #14 0x00007f46a7efd23b in udp_rcv_loop () from /usr/sbin/opensips
>>>>>> #15 0x00007f46a7ea485c in main () from /usr/sbin/opensips
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Sergio Gutiérrez
>>> --
>>> Sergio Gutiérrez
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>> Users at lists.opensips.org
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