[OpenSIPS-Users] delay 200 OK in opensips for pre-configured interval

Andrew Pogrebennyk andrew.pogrebennyk at portaone.com
Mon Aug 31 14:39:51 CEST 2009

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> There are ways to delay the 200 OK, but it is an ugly approach - simply 
> use sleep() function in onreply route, but I strongly recommend not to 
> do it as it has a huge penalty in performance.
> What I rather suggest is to use the new B2B support in opensips - you 
> just have to create your own XML scenario to describe the case you have:
>           http://www.opensips.org/Resources/B2buaTutorial

I guess I'd also need to extend the list of possible actions in b2b 
module with something like "delay", but thanks for the suggestion 
anyway; will check.

Andrew Pogrebennyk

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