[OpenSIPS-Users] Memory Issue

Dovid Bender dovi5988 at dovid.net
Tue Aug 4 13:46:55 CEST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Iñaki Baz Castillo" <ibc at aliax.net>
Cc: <users at lists.opensips.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 13:02
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Memory Issue

> 2009/8/4 Dovid Bender <dovi5988 at dovid.net>:
>> Bogdan,
>> I am a bit of a n00b and I am taking over a production server. Can you
>> explain a bit more ?
> Use:
>  opensipsctl fifo get_statistics

I spoke to some one that did a bit of research in the past with the problem 
that I am having and he sugested that the issue has to do with the perl 
module. It seems to only happen on CentOS and Fedora machines. On Fedora 
machines the server needs a complete restart and on CentOs machines a 
restart of OpenSipS free's up the memory. He said "It seems to be caused by 
certain versions of libperl.so shipped with CentOS and Fedora.". Has anyone 
seen an issue with the specifics that I have posted above ? One dirty quick 
fix would be to have OpenSipS restart nightly but that isn't a "real fix". 
Below is the output of get_statistics.

[root at peter ~]# opensipsctl fifo get_statistics all
core:rcv_requests = 914078
core:rcv_replies = 979213
core:fwd_requests = 530
core:fwd_replies = 9
core:drop_requests = 673
core:drop_replies = 0
core:err_requests = 0
core:err_replies = 0
core:bad_URIs_rcvd = 0
core:unsupported_methods = 168278
core:bad_msg_hdr = 0
shmem:total_size = 268435456
shmem:used_size = 4945120
shmem:real_used_size = 5113680
shmem:max_used_size = 8469016
shmem:free_size = 263321776
shmem:fragments = 1419
sl:1xx_replies = 0
sl:2xx_replies = 190084
sl:3xx_replies = 0
sl:4xx_replies = 358926
sl:5xx_replies = 0
sl:6xx_replies = 0
sl:sent_replies = 549010
sl:sent_err_replies = 0
sl:received_ACKs = 673
tm:received_replies = 947985
tm:relayed_replies = 528777
tm:local_replies = 4783
tm:UAS_transactions = 531511
tm:UAC_transactions = 0
tm:2xx_transactions = 405359
tm:3xx_transactions = 0
tm:4xx_transactions = 70341
tm:5xx_transactions = 55800
tm:6xx_transactions = 0
tm:inuse_transactions = 144
usrloc:registered_users = 901
usrloc:location-users = 901
usrloc:location-contacts = 915
usrloc:location-expires = 981
registrar:max_expires = 0
registrar:max_contacts = 0
registrar:default_expire = 3600
registrar:accepted_regs = 187710
registrar:rejected_regs = 8

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