[OpenSER-Users] SIP Trunk doesn't response to 200OK with an ACK

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at in.ilimit.es
Mon Feb 18 14:42:49 CET 2008

El Monday 18 February 2008 14:33:25 Eric Phetteplace escribió:
> Sorry about that: Network Topology.
> is the PSTN gateway (WAN IP)
> UAS (simple IP phone, "PC to PC" no registrar, etc)
> NAT Router with in DMZ  WAN Address is in
> my previous message.
> OpenSER and RTPProxy.

Do you have then port forwarding in the router? I think so but please confirm 

In that case the problem is simple: your OpenSer set a "Record-Route:" so in the next in-dialog message from the UAC or UAS it will be 
routed to that IP.

Note that:

- Your PSTN gateway calls to a PSTN number that is received in your OpenSer.
- The INVITE arrives to your OpenSer who adds  "Record-Route:".
- Then it sends the INVITE to the local phone (UAS).
- The UAS replies with 200 OK. This reply arrives to the OpenSer who 
adds "Record-Route:" and forwards it to the gateway.
- Now the gw has to send an ACK, but note that the ACK is an **in-dialog** 
request so it will go throught the IP set in "Record-Route" (
- Of course, your gw **cannot** route a request to a private IP so it's lost.

Solution: You must force OpenSer to set a custom IP (your router public IP) in 
the "Record-Route" header **just** when the request goes to the gateway. I'm 
not sure on how to do it but I think I've read sometime a about it in this 

In conclusion: It's not a fault in your provider, but in your configuration.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
ibc at in.ilimit.es

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