[OpenSER-Users] About openseradmin- Gem install mysql?

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at in.ilimit.es
Mon Aug 6 13:07:00 CEST 2007

El Monday 06 August 2007 12:51:31 zze-WU Yin RD-MAPS-LAN escribió:
> Hi, everybody
> I have a problem for installation of openseradmin. It must do: gem
> install mysql

Again, this is a list about OpenSer, not Rails, so please, use other list.

Anyway, you should read any doc about Rails nbefore trying to isntall any 
Rails app. Perphaps you could install the mysql gem about your OS (not mswin 
for example as you have choosen).

Iñaki Baz Castillo
ibc at in.ilimit.es

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