[Users] errors in xlog-output

Thomas Balsfulland tbals at ctrl-c.de
Fri Jun 23 17:50:32 CEST 2006

hello together,

i am using openser v1.0.1 as a simple proxy.
for logging i use xlog like

  xlog("L_ERR","[$Tf]: PSTN -> SIP: new Call [$fU] to [$tU]\n");

with the setting modparam("xlog", "buf_size", 16384).

but in the logfile i see many error-messages:

 5(29423) ERROR: warning_builder: buffer size exceeded
 5(29423) WARNING: warning skipped -- too big

is this a problem of xlog? anyone knows how can i fix this?

thank you for help.


thomas balsfulland                           tbals at ctrl-c.de
                zwischen mut und dummheit liegt nur ein grat
            der sich durch das vorbereitetsein unterscheidet

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