[Users] query on openser

Norman Brandinger norm at goes.com
Thu Jul 20 19:58:22 CEST 2006

Hi Vivek,

You were looking at the OpenSER documents for instruction on creating 
"regular expressions".

Search for some information about "regular expressions".  They are very 
powerful, but also can sometimes be difficult to understand.

Generally, the parens "()" are used to save a piece of matched text.  
The matched text can then be referenced by the \1.  If you have two sets 
of parens, then \1 would match the first set and \2 will match the 
second set.

I have both the first and second editions of "Mastering Regular 
Expressions" by Jeffery Friedl in the bookcase next to my desk.  It's 
pretty much the definitive reference on the subject.  A quick search on 
the net will also provide you many good references.


Vivek Bhat wrote:
> Hi Norman,
> Thanks for your response. It is working now.
> I tried to understand how avp_subst() works. How
> avp_subst() gets the correct string in s:match in the
> example below? What is "\1" token doing here? Could
> you please explain? I read the openser module
> document, but could not understand either :-) 
> Thanks,
> Vivek
> --- Norman Brandinger <norm at goes.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vivek,
>> Below is an example that appears to solve your
>> problem.
>> Note that the regular expression in the avp_subst()
>> statement was made 
>> specifically for this example.    Based on your
>> example, the "needle" 
>> that is being matched is preceded by an underscore. 
>> If this can ALWAYS 
>> be guaranteed then you shouldn't have a problem
>> using this regular 
>> expression.  If the haystack has some other known
>> pattern that a regular 
>> expression can be used to match, then all you have
>> to do is create 
>> another regular expression and drop it into the
>> example below.
>>   avp_write("7267261000", "$avp(s:needle)");
> avp_write("<sip:termdoneatscsf_7267261000 at test.com;lr>",
>> "$avp(s:haystack)");
> avp_subst("$avp(s:haystack)/$avp(s:match)","/<sip:.*_(.*)@(.*)>/\1/");
>>   xlog("L_NOTICE", "needle=($avp(s:needle))
>> haystack=($avp(s:haystack)) 
>> match=($avp(s:match))\n");
>>   if
>> (avp_check("$avp(s:needle)","eq/$avp(s:match)/g")) {
>>     xlog("L_NOTICE", "Match found\n");
>>   } else {
>>     xlog("L_NOTICE", "Match not found\n");
>>   }
>> Regards,
>> Norm
>> Vivek Bhat wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed openser v1.1.0 on Linux system.
>>> I have problem checking if "Route" header contains
>> the
>>> "username" of Req-URI as below:
>>> Req-URI will be like "sip:7267261000@<domain>"
>>> and Route header will be like
>>> "<sip:termdoneatscsf_7267261000@<domain>;lr>
>>> # To get the RURI I did like this
>>> avp_write("$ru/username", "$avp(UNAMEOFRURI)"); 
>>> avp_print();
>>> # To get the Route Header, I did like this
>>> avp_write("$hdr(Route)", "$avp(ROUTEUSERNAME)");
>>> avp_print();
>>> Now, what is the best way to check if
>>> $avp(ROUTEUSERNAME) contains $avp(UNAMEOFRURI)?
>>> I tried as below, and it gives error "regexp
>> requires
>>> string value"
> if(avp_check("$avp(UNAMEOFRURI)","re/$avp(ROUTEUSERNAME)/gi"))
>>> {
>>> 	log(1, "Usernames of RURI is found inside Route
>>> header."); 
>>> } else
>>>                                         {
>>> 	log(1, "Usernames of RURI is NOT found inside
>> Route
>>> header."); 
>>> }
>>> Instead of avp_check, I tried to use search as
>> below:
>>> if(search("^(Route):.*$ru/username.*"))
>>> {
>>>          log(1, "Usernames of RURI is found inside
>>> Route header."); 
>>> }
>>> But, it didn't work either. 
>>> Please suggest what is the best method to do this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vivek
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