[Users] show active calls

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Wed Jul 19 11:07:57 CEST 2006

Klaus Darilion writes:

 > Is it a "real" B2BUA (2 different dialogs, different call ids/tags on 
 > the 2 call legs, no "privacy" data in one leg can be seen in other
 > leg?)

yes it is true b2bua.  media goes direct though.

 > Does it support RTP/RTCP relaying with multiple streams?

no, as i said, it handles only signaling, which to me sounds like a much
more scalable idea than relaying also media.

 > Does it support NAT traversal or is still nathelper+rtpproxy
 > necessary?

you handle nat traversal by openser. sems b2bua does not need to be
aware of nat.

 > Does it work out of the box with openser1.1?


-- juha

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