[Users] REFER To: (how to handle in OpenSER)

Frogger froggerandbongo at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 11 21:56:50 CEST 2006

I am trying to handle the REFER method for
call-transfer and I need some assistance.

What is the openser.cfg structure to handle a refer
from ua1 to ua2 so that ua2 can call ua3?

Basically, I am trying to establish a new INVITE with
the REFER-To for ua2 calling ua3.  Also, I need to
clean up the initial transaction between ua1 and ua2.

BTW, I read the rfc on REFER and I have a good sense
of whats supposed to happen but I lack the mechanics
to make it so.

All the guidance will be very helpful.  Thanks, F

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