Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Examples
extended syntaxdm_send_request
asynchronous usageThis module provides an RFC 6733 Diameter peer implementation, being able to act as either Diameter client or server, or both.
Any module that wishes to use it has to do the following:
include aaa.h
make a bind call with a proper Diameter-specific URL, e.g. "diameter:freeDiameter-client.conf"
The module implements the core AAA OpenSIPS interface, thus offering an alternative client implementation to the aaa_radius module which can be useful, for example, when performing billing and accounting for the live SIP calls.
In addition to the RADIUS client's auth and accounting features, the Diameter client includes support for sending arbitrary Diameter requests, further opening up the scope of applications which can be achieved through OpenSIPS scripting. Such Diameter requests can be sent using the dm_send_request() function.
Starting with OpenSIPS 3.5, the Diameter module includes server-side support as well.
First, the event_route module must be loaded in order to be able to process E_DM_REQUEST events in the OpenSIPS configuration file. These events will contain all necessary information on the incoming Diameter request.
Finally, once the request information is processed and the answer AVPs are prepared, script writers should use the dm_send_answer() function in order to reply with a Diameter answer message.
Recommendation: When possible, always load the dict_sip.fdx freeDiameter extension module inside your freeDiameter.conf configuration file, as it contains hundreds of well-known AVP definitions which may be good to have when inter-operating with other Diameter peer implementations.
All Diameter message building and parsing, as well as the peer state machine and Diameter-related network communication are all powered by the freeDiameter project and C libraries, dynamically linking with the "aaa_diameter" module.
The following libraries must be installed before running OpenSIPS with this module loaded:
libfdcore v1.2.1 or higher
libfdproto v1.2.1 or higher
This parameter measures the quietness of the logging done by the freeDiameter library. Possible values:
3 (NOTICE, default)
NOTE: since freeDiameter logs to standard output, you must also enable the new core parameter, log_stdout, before getting any logs from the library.
The unique realm to be used by all participating Diameter peers.
Default value is "diameter.test".
The identity (realm subdomain) of the Diameter server peer, to which the OpenSIPS Diameter client peer will connect.
Default value is "server" (i.e. "server.diameter.test").
Example 1.3. Setting the peer_identity
modparam("aaa_diameter", "peer_identity", "server")
URL of the diameter client: the configuration file, with an optional extra-avps-file, where the Diameter client is configured.
By default, the connection is not created.
Example 1.4. Setting the aaa_url
modparam("aaa_diameter", "aaa_url", "diameter:freeDiameter-client.conf")
Example 1.5. Setting the aaa_url
modparam("aaa_diameter", "aaa_url", "diameter:freeDiameter-client.conf;extra-avps-file:dictionary.opensips")
Time, in milliseconds, after which a dm_send_request() function call with no received reply will time out and return a -2 code.
Default value is 2000 ms.
Perform a blocking Diameter request over to the interconnected peer and return the Result-Code AVP value from the reply.
app_id (integer) - ID of the application. A custom application must be defined in the dictionary.opensips Diameter configuration file before it can be recognized.
cmd_code (integer) - ID of the command. A custom command code, name and AVP requirements must be defined in the dictionary.opensips Diameter configuration file beforehand. body of the HTTP response.
avps_json (string) - A JSON Array containing the AVPs to include in the message.
rpl_avps_pv (var, optional) - output variable which will hold all AVP names from the Diameter Answer along with their values, packed as a JSON Array string. The "json" module and its $json variable could be used to iterate this array.
Return Codes
1 - Success
-1 - Internal Error
-2 - Request timeout (the answer_timeout was exceeded before an Answer could be processed)
This function can be used from any route.
Example 1.7. dictionary.opensips
extended syntax
# Example of defining custom Diameter AVPs, Application IDs, # Requests and Replies in the "dictionary.opensips" file ATTRIBUTE out_gw 232 string ATTRIBUTE trunk_id 233 string ATTRIBUTE rated_duration 234 integer ATTRIBUTE call_cost 235 integer ATTRIBUTE Exponent 429 integer32 ATTRIBUTE Value-Digits 447 integer64 ATTRIBUTE Cost-Unit 424 grouped { Value-Digits | REQUIRED | 1 Exponent | OPTIONAL | 1 } ATTRIBUTE Currency-Code 425 unsigned32 ATTRIBUTE Unit-Value 445 grouped { Value-Digits | REQUIRED | 1 Exponent | OPTIONAL | 1 } ATTRIBUTE Cost-Information 423 grouped { Unit-Value | REQUIRED | 1 Currency-Code | REQUIRED | 1 Cost-Unit | OPTIONAL | 1 } APPLICATION 42 My Diameter Application REQUEST 92001 My-Custom-Request { Origin-Host | REQUIRED | 1 Origin-Realm | REQUIRED | 1 Destination-Realm | REQUIRED | 1 Transaction-Id | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-From-Tag | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-To-Tag | REQUIRED | 1 Acct-Session-Id | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-Call-Duration | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-Call-Setuptime | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-Call-Created | REQUIRED | 1 Sip-Call-MSDuration | REQUIRED | 1 out_gw | REQUIRED | 1 call_cost | REQUIRED | 1 Cost-Information | OPTIONAL | 1 } ANSWER 92001 My-Custom-Answer { Origin-Host | REQUIRED | 1 Origin-Realm | REQUIRED | 1 Destination-Realm | REQUIRED | 1 Transaction-Id | REQUIRED | 1 Result-Code | REQUIRED | 1 }
Example 1.8. dm_send_request
# Building an sending an My-Custom-Request (92001) for the # My Diameter Application (42) $var(payload) = "[ { \"Origin-Host\": \"client.diameter.test\" }, { \"Origin-Realm\": \"diameter.test\" }, { \"Destination-Realm\": \"diameter.test\" }, { \"Sip-From-Tag\": \"dc93-4fba-91db\" }, { \"Sip-To-Tag\": \"ae12-47d6-816a\" }, { \"Acct-Session-Id\": \"a59c-dff0d9efd167\" }, { \"Sip-Call-Duration\": 6 }, { \"Sip-Call-Setuptime\": 1 }, { \"Sip-Call-Created\": 1652372541 }, { \"Sip-Call-MSDuration\": 5850 }, { \"out_gw\": \"GW-774\" }, { \"cost\": \"10.84\" }, { \"Cost-Information\": [ {\"Unit-Value\": [{\"Value-Digits\": 1000}]}, {\"Currency-Code\": 35} ]} ]"; $var(rc) = dm_send_request(42, 92001, $var(payload), $var(rpl_avps)); xlog("rc: $var(rc), AVPs: $var(rpl_avps)\n"); $json(avps) := $var(rpl_avps);
Send back a Diameter answer message to the interconnected peer in a non-blocking fashion, in response to its request.
The following fields will be automatically copied over from the Diameter request when building the answer message:
Application ID
Command Code
Session-Id AVP, if any
Transaction-Id AVP, if any (only applies when Session-Id is not present)
avps_json (string) - A JSON Array containing the AVPs to include in the answer message (example below).
is_error (boolean, default: false) - Set to true in order to set the 'E' (error) bit in the answer message.
Return Codes
1 - Success
-1 - Internal Error
This function can only be used from an EVENT_ROUTE.
Example 1.9. dm_send_answer()
event_route [E_DM_REQUEST] { xlog("Req: $param(sess_id) / $param(app_id) / $param(cmd_code)\n"); xlog("AVPs: $param(avps_json)\n"); $json(avps) := $param(avps_json); /* ... process the data (AVPs) ... */ /* ... and reply back with more AVPs! */ $var(ans_avps) = "[ { \"Vendor-Specific-Application-Id\": [{ \"Vendor-Id\": 0 }] }, { \"Result-Code\": 2001 }, { \"Auth-Session-State\": 0 }, { \"Origin-Host\": \"opensips.diameter.test\" }, { \"Origin-Realm\": \"diameter.test\" } ]"; if (!dm_send_answer($var(ans_avps))) xlog("ERROR - failed to send Diameter answer\n"); }
Similar to dm_send_request() but performs an asynchronous Diameter request.
Uses the same parameters and return codes as dm_send_request().
Example 1.10. dm_send_request
asynchronous usage
# Building an sending an My-Custom-Request (92001) for the # My Diameter Application (42) $var(payload) = "[ { \"Origin-Host\": \"client.diameter.test\" }, { \"Origin-Realm\": \"diameter.test\" }, { \"Destination-Realm\": \"diameter.test\" }, { \"Sip-From-Tag\": \"dc93-4fba-91db\" }, { \"Sip-To-Tag\": \"ae12-47d6-816a\" }, { \"Acct-Session-Id\": \"a59c-dff0d9efd167\" }, { \"Sip-Call-Duration\": 6 }, { \"Sip-Call-Setuptime\": 1 }, { \"Sip-Call-Created\": 1652372541 }, { \"Sip-Call-MSDuration\": 5850 }, { \"out_gw\": \"GW-774\" }, { \"cost\": \"10.84\" }, { \"Cost-Information\": [ {\"Unit-Value\": [{\"Value-Digits\": 1000}]}, {\"Currency-Code\": 35} ]} ]"; async(dm_send_request(42, 92001, $var(payload), $var(rpl_avps), dm_reply); route[dm_reply] { xlog("rc: $retcode, AVPs: $var(rpl_avps)\n"); $json(avps) := $var(rpl_avps); }
This event is raised whenever the aaa_diameter module is loaded and OpenSIPS receives a Diameter request on the configured Diameter listening interface.
app_id (integer) - the Diameter Application Identifier
cmd_code (integer) - the Diameter Command Code
sess_id (string) - the value of either the Session-Id AVP, Transaction-Id AVP or a NULL value if neither of these transaction-identifying AVPs is present in the Diameter request.
avps_json (string) - a JSON Array containing the AVPs of the request. Use the json module's $json variable to easily parse and work with it.
Note that this event is currently designed to be mainly consumed by an event_route, since that is the only way to gain access to the dm_send_answer() function in order to build custom answer messages. On the other hand, if the application does not mind the answer being always a 3001 (DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED) error, this event can be successfully consumed through any other EVI-compatible delivery channel ☺️
Table 2.1. Top contributors by DevScore(1), authored commits(2) and lines added/removed(3)
Name | DevScore | Commits | Lines ++ | Lines -- | |
1. | Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu) | 113 | 37 | 6850 | 1105 |
2. | Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea) | 35 | 18 | 1361 | 248 |
3. | Maksym Sobolyev (@sobomax) | 3 | 1 | 5 | 5 |
(1) DevScore = author_commits + author_lines_added / (project_lines_added / project_commits) + author_lines_deleted / (project_lines_deleted / project_commits)
(2) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits. Regarding imported patches/code, we do our best to count the work on behalf of the proper owner, as per the "fix_authors" and "mod_renames" arrays in opensips/doc/ If you identify any patches/commits which do not get properly attributed to you, please submit a pull request which extends "fix_authors" and/or "mod_renames".
(3) ignoring whitespace edits, renamed files and auto-generated files
Table 2.2. Most recently active contributors(1) to this module
Name | Commit Activity | |
1. | Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea) | May 2023 - May 2024 |
2. | Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu) | May 2021 - Mar 2024 |
3. | Maksym Sobolyev (@sobomax) | Feb 2023 - Feb 2023 |
(1) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits
Last edited by: Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu), Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea).
Documentation Copyrights:
Copyright © 2021