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Documentation -> TutorialsTable of Content (hide)
1. OpenSIPS - Getting StartedA crash course about how to do a quick installation of OpenSIPS ( downloading sources, compiling, installing, etc ) and OpenSIPS Control Panel ( installing, provisioning users ), and have a fully functional platform in a matter of minutes.
2. Topology Hiding with OpenSIPSShort introduction on configuring and using the topology_hiding module in OpenSIPS
3. Accounting in OpenSIPSUnveils how SIP accounting works in OpenSIPS, from basic to complex scenarios with custom CDRs and multi-leg accounting for call forwarding. Everything is backed up by detailed explanations and working scripts examples.
4. Easier scripting with the script_helper moduleModule description and a complete usage example
5. Call Recording using SIPRECThis tutorial shows you how you can do call recording using the SIPREC standard.
6. Fraud detection with OpenSIPS 2.1Description of the new module along with a complete usage example
7. Message compression and compactionModule description and a complete usage example
8. Emergency calls using OpenSIPSArchitecture design and complete usage examples
9. WebSocket and WebSocketSecure Integration with OpenSIPSHow to add Websocket, and Websocket Secure (2.2+ only) capabilities to your existing OpenSIPS deployment.
10. Dynamic Routing with FailoverHow to configure OpenSips to route phone calls based on the dialed number. This is a detailed tutorial on how to use the drouting module with mysql and includes failover support. It does not include load balancing.
11. B2BUAWhich is the architecture of the B2BUA implementation, how to define service scenario documents and how to configure OpenSIPS to offer B2BUA services.
12. Presence AgentPresence Agent - design and configuration of Presence Agent in OpenSIPS
13. Load-BalancingHow to use the load-balancing module from OpenSIPS to do traffic routing based on the real load of the destinations.
14. Key-Value InterfaceHow to use the Key-Value interface in OpenSIPS in order to store, persistently or not, key-value information
15. Event InterfaceHow to use OpenSIPS Event Interface in order to send events to external applications.
16. MemCache UsageHow to use the memcache support in OpenSIPS in order to reduce the number of DB queries (authentication for example)
17. OpenSIPS - FreeSwitch Media IntegrationThis tutorial presents the concept and implementation of a realtime integration of OpenSIPS SIP server and FreeSWITCH media server. OpenSIPS is used a SIP server, while the purpose of FreeSWITCH is to provide a full set of media services - like voicemail, conference, announcements, etc
18. Realtime OpenSIPS - Asterisk IntegrationHow to implement a realtime integration of OpenSIPS SIP server and Asterisk media server for Voicemail, conference and announcement services.
19. Concurrent calls limitationHow to control in OpenSIPS how many concurrent calls a user is allow to do.
20. TLS setupHow to compile and configure the TLS support in OpenSIPS / OpenSER - script example included
21. Replace 183 early media reply with perl moduleExample script showing how to replace SIP status replies on the fly, as this is not (yet?) possible within the OpenSIPS routing script: Replace 183 early media reply with 180 (Ringing) 22. A basic tutorial on RADIUSHow to install, configure, integrate and use FreeRADIUS server and Radiusclient-ng with OpenSIPS modules for accounting and authorization.
23. OpenSIPS with Radius supportOpenSIPS with MySQL and FreeRADIUS integration and installation/configuration :
24. OpenSIPS and MediaProxyMediaProxy 2.3.x and OpenSIPS 1.5.x Integration:
How to provide ICE end-to-end NAT traversal support for RTP streams 25. OpenSIPS and MSRP integration
26. How to install opensips in Red Hat EL 5How to install opensips 1.5 in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 platform with Mysql Support:
27. SIP Redirect with scriptHow setup OpenSIPS as a SIP redirect using a external script - also restricting base on ip address: Please note since I am new to OpenSIPS this may need be cleaned up a bit.
28. OpenSIPS and fail2banThis is a small tutorial so you can use fail2ban together with opensips to block via firewall the attackers that are using wrong authentication credentials
29. OpenSIPS, CentOS and MI_XMLRPCSmall tutorial on how to compile OpenSIPS or CentOS. It includes a vauable tip on how to compile correctly the MI_XMLRPC module.
30. OpenSIPS Tutorials from SmartVoxA compilation of various tutorials covering topics like software installation (including MediaProxy on CentOS), authentication, clustering and comparing OpenSIPS with Asterisk provided by SmartVox, thanks to John Quick.
31. Distributed Load-Balancing with OpenSIPS and Redis (Spanish)How to configure a cluster of OpenSIPS load balancers which communicates via Redis (in Spanish thanks to VozToVoice).
32. OpenSIPS and OpenXCAP TutorialA standalone Presence Agent tutorial using OpenSIPS and OpenXCAP provided by AG Projects.
33. Voice Transcoding with OpenSIPS and Sangoma D-series cardsPerforming audio transcoding using OpenSIPS and Sangoma hardware
34. Scaling registrations with an OpenSIPS mid-registrarHow to integrate an OpenSIPS mid-registrar with your VoIP platform, allowing it to keep growing!
35. How To Configure a "Federated" User Location ClusterEverything about federated user location clustering: setup, configuration, routing, NAT traversal and HA!
36. How To Configure "Full Sharing" User Location ClustersDetailed explanations and configuration examples on some essential "full sharing" user location setups
37. Authentication and Accounting Using DiameterHow to configure and deploy the aaa_diameter module and the "app_opensips" freeDiameter application
38. Cross-compilingHow to cross-compile OpenSIPS
39. RCS: Managing CapabilitiesString processing techniques for dealing with large lists of RCS capabilities
40. Sending and Processing Diameter RequestsHow to script Diameter Client and/or Server interactions for IMS Networks