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Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 1.8 -> Core variablesPages for other versions: devel 3.5 3.4 Older versions: 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
This documentation is valid for OpenSIPS v1.8.x. Table of Content (hide)
OpenSIPS provides multiple type of variables to be used in the routing script. The difference between the types of variables comes from (1) the visibility of the variable (when it is visible), (2) what the variable is attached to (where the variable resides), (3) read-write status of the variable (some types of the variables are read-only and (4) how multiple values (for the same variable are handled). The OpenSIPS variables can be easily identified in the script as all their names (or notations) start with the $ sign. Syntax: $(<context>name(subname)[index]{transformation}) The fields written in green are optional. The fields meaning is:
Usage examples:
Types of variables:
1. Script variablesNaming: **$var(name)** Hints:
Example of usage: $var(a) = 2; # sets the value of variable 'a' to integer '2' $var(a) = "2"; # sets the value of variable 'a' to string '2' $var(a) = 3 + (7&(~2)); # arithmetic and bitwise operation $var(a) = "sip:" + $au + "@" + $fd; # compose a value from authentication username and From URI domain # using a script variable for tests if( [ $var(a) & 4 ] ) { xlog("var a has third bit set\n"); } Setting a variable to NULL is actually initializing the value to integer '0'. Script variables don't have NULL value. 2. AVP variablesNaming: **$avp(name)** or **$(avp(name)[N])** When using the index "N" you can force the AVP to return a certain value (the N-th value). If no index is given, the first value will be returned. Hints:
Example of usage:
# enable avps in onreply route modparam("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 1) ... route{ ... $avp(tmp) = $Ts ; # store the current time (at request processing) ... t_onreply("1"); t_relay(); ... } onreply_route[1] { if (t_check_status("200")) { # calculate the setup time $var(setup_time) = $Ts - $avp(tmp); } }
$avp(17) = "one"; # we have a single value $avp(17) = "two"; # we have two values ("two","one") $avp(17) = "three"; # we have three values ("three","two","one") xlog("accessing values with no index: $avp(17)\n"); # this will print the first value, which is the last added value -> "three" xlog("accessing values with no index: $(avp(17)[2])\n"); # this will print the index 2 value (third one), -> "one" # remove the last value of the avp; if there is only one value, the AVP itself will be destroyed $avp(17) = NULL; # delete all values and destroy the AVP avp_delete("$avp(17)/g"); # delete the value located at a certain index $(avp(17)[1]) = NULL; #overwrite the value at a certain index $(avp(17)[0]) = "zero"; The AVPOPS module provides a lot of useful functions to operate AVPs (like checking values, pushing values into different other locations, deleting AVPs, etc). 3. Pseudo VariablesNaming: $name Hints:
Predefined (provided by core) PVs are listed in alphabetical order. 3.1 URI in SIP Request's P-Asserted-Identity header$ai - reference to URI in request's P-Asserted-Identity header (see RFC 3325) 3.2 Authentication Digest URI$adu - URI from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header. This URI is used when calculating the HTTP Digest Response. 3.3 Authentication realm$ar - realm from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.4 Auth username user$au - user part of username from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.5 Auth username domain$ad - domain part of username from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.6 Auth nonce$an - the nonce from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.7 Auth response$auth.resp - the authentication response from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.8 Auth nonce$auth.nonce - the nonce string from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.9 Auth opaque$auth.opaque - the opaque string from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.10 Auth algorithm$auth.alg - the algorithm string from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.11 Auth QOP$auth.qop - the value of qop parameter from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.12 Auth nonce count (nc)$ - the value of nonce count parameter from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.13 Auth whole username$aU - whole username from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header 3.14 Acc username$Au - username for accounting purposes. It's a selective pseudo variable (inherited from acc module). It returns $au if exits or From username otherwise. 3.15 Argument options$argv - provides access to command line arguments specified with '-o' option. Examples: # for option '-o foo=0' xlog("foo is $argv(foo) \n"); 3.16 Branch$branch - this variable is used for creating new branches by writing into it the value of a SIP URI. Examples: # creates a new branch $branch = ""; # print its URI xlog("last added branch has URI $(branch(uri)[-1]) \n"); 3.17 Branch fields$branch() - this variable provides read/write access to all fields/attributes of an already existing branch (priorly created with append_branch() ). The fields of the branch are:
The variable accepts also index $(branch(uri)[1]) for accessing a specific branch (multiple branches can be defined at a moment). The index starts from 0 (first branch). If the index is negative, it is considered the n-th branch from the end ( index -1 means the last branch). # creates the first branch append_branch(); # creates the second branch force_send_socket(udp:; $du = "sip:"; append_branch("","0.5"); # display branches xlog("----- branch 0: $(branch(uri)[0]) , $(branch(q)[0]), $(branch(duri)[0]), $(branch(path)[0]), $(branch(flags)[0]), $(branch(socket)[0]) \n"); xlog("----- branch 1: $(branch(uri)[1]) , $(branch(q)[1]), $(branch(duri)[1]), $(branch(path)[1]), $(branch(flags)[1]), $(branch(socket)[1]) \n"); # do some changes over the branches $branch(uri) = ""; # set URI for the first branch $(branch(q)[0]) = 1000; # set to 1.00 for the first branch $(branch(socket)[1]) = NULL; # reset the socket of the second branch $branch(duri) = NULL; # reset the destination URI or the first branch It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.18 Call-Id$ci - reference to body of call-id header 3.19 Content-Length$cl - reference to body of content-length header 3.20 CSeq number$cs - reference to cseq number from cseq header 3.21 Contact instance$ct - reference to contact instance/body from the contact header. A contact instance is display_name + URI + contact_params. As a Contact header may contain multiple Contact instances and a message may contain multiple Contact headers, an index was added to the $ct variable:
3.22 Fields of a contact instance$ct.fields() - reference to the fields of a contact instance/body (see above). Supported fields are:
3.23 Content-Type$cT - reference to body of content-type header 3.24 Domain of destination URI$dd - reference to domain of destination uri It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.25 Diversion header URI$di - reference to Diversion header URI 3.26 Diversion "privacy" parameter$dip - reference to Diversion header "privacy" parameter value 3.27 Diversion "reason" parameter$dir - reference to Diversion header "reason" parameter value 3.28 Port of destination URI$dp - reference to port of destination uri It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.29 Transport protocol of destination URI$dP - reference to transport protocol of destination uri 3.30 Destination set$ds - reference to destination set 3.31 Destination URI$du - reference to destination uri (outbound proxy to be used for sending the request) If loose_route() returns TRUE a destination uri is set according to the first Route header. It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.32 Error class$err.class - the class of error (now is '1' for parsing errors) 3.33 Error level$err.level - severity level for the error 3.34 Error info$ - text describing the error 3.35 Error reply code$err.rcode - recommended reply code 3.36 Error reply reason$err.rreason - recommended reply reason phrase 3.37 From URI domain$fd - reference to domain in URI of 'From' header 3.38 From display name$fn - reference to display name of 'From' header 3.39 Forced socket$fs - reference to the forced socket for message sending (if any) in the form proto:ip:port It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.40 From tag$ft - reference to tag parameter of 'From' header 3.41 From URI$fu - reference to URI of 'From' header 3.42 From URI username$fU - reference to username in URI of 'From' header 3.43 SIP message buffer$mb - reference to SIP message buffer 3.44 Message Flags$mf - reference to message/transaction flags set for current SIP request It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.45 Message Flags in hexadecimal$mF -reference to message/transaction flags set for current SIP request in hexa It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.46 SIP message ID$mi - reference to SIP message id 3.47 SIP message length$ml - reference to SIP message length 3.48 Domain in SIP Request's original URI$od - reference to domain in request's original R-URI 3.49 Port of SIP request's original URI$op - reference to port of original R-URI 3.50 Transport protocol of SIP request original URI$oP - reference to transport protocol of original R-URI 3.51 SIP Request's original URI$ou - reference to request's original URI 3.52 Username in SIP Request's original URI$oU - reference to username in request's original URI 3.53 Domain in SIP Request's P-Preferred-Identity header URI$pd - reference to domain in request's P-Preferred-Identity header URI (see RFC 3325) 3.54 Display Name in SIP Request's P-Preferred-Identity header$pn - reference to Display Name in request's P-Preferred-Identity header (see RFC 3325) 3.55 Process id$pp - reference to process id (pid) 3.56 Protocol of received message$pr or $proto - protocol of received message (UDP, TCP, TLS, SCTP) 3.57 User in SIP Request's P-Preferred-Identity header URI$pU - reference to user in request's P-Preferred-Identity header URI (see RFC 3325) 3.58 URI in SIP Request's P-Preferred-Identity header$pu - reference to URI in request's P-Preferred-Identity header (see RFC 3325) 3.59 Domain in SIP Request's URI$rd - reference to domain in request's URI It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.60 Body of request/reply$rb - reference to message body 3.61 Returned code$rc - reference to returned code by last invoked function $retcode - same as **$rc** 3.62 Remote-Party-ID header URI$re - reference to Remote-Party-ID header URI 3.63 SIP request's method$rm - reference to request's method 3.64 SIP request's port$rp - reference to port of R-URI It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.65 Transport protocol of SIP request URI$rP - reference to transport protocol of R-URI 3.66 SIP reply's reason$rr - reference to reply's reason 3.67 SIP reply's status$rs - reference to reply's status 3.68 Refer-to URI$rt - reference to URI of refer-to header 3.69 SIP Request's URI$ru - reference to request's URI It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.70 Username in SIP Request's URI$rU - reference to username in request's URI It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.71 Q value of the SIP Request's URI$ru_q - reference to q value of the R-URI It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it routing script) 3.72 Received IP address$Ri - reference to IP address of the interface where the request has been received 3.73 Received port$Rp - reference to the port where the message was received 3.74 Script flags$sf - reference to script flags - decimal output It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.75 Script flags$sF - reference to script flags - hexa output It is R/W variable (you can assign values to it from routing logic) 3.76 IP source address$si - reference to IP source address of the message 3.77 Source port$sp - reference to the source port of the message 3.78 To URI Domain$td - reference to domain in URI of 'To' header 3.79 To display name$tn - reference to display name of 'To' header 3.80 To tag$tt - reference to tag parameter of 'To' header 3.81 To URI$tu - reference to URI of 'To' header 3.82 To URI Username$tU - reference to username in URI of 'To' header 3.83 Formatted date and time$time(format) - returns the string formatted time according to UNIX date (see: man date). 3.84 Branch index$T_branch_idx - the index (starting with 1 for the first branch) of the branch for which is executed the branch_route[]. If used outside of branch_route[] block, the value is '0'. This is exported by TM module. 3.85 String formatted time$Tf - reference string formatted time 3.86 Current unix time stamp in seconds$Ts - reference to current unix time stamp in seconds 3.87 Current microseconds of the current second$Tsm - reference to current microseconds of the current second 3.88 Startup unix time stamp$TS - reference to startup unix time stamp 3.89 User agent header$ua - reference to user agent header field 3.90 SIP Headers$(hdr(name)[N]) - represents the body of the N-th header identified by 'name'. If [N] is omitted then the body of the first header is printed. The first header is got when N=0, for the second N=1, a.s.o. To print the last header of that type, use -1, no other negative values are supported now. No white spaces are allowed inside the specifier (before }, before or after {, [, ] symbols). When N='*', all headers of that type are printed. The module should identify most of compact header names (the ones recognized by OpenSIPS which should be all at this moment), if not, the compact form has to be specified explicitly. It is recommended to use dedicated specifiers for headers (e.g., %ua for user agent header), if they are available -- they are faster. $(hdrcnt(name)) -- returns number of headers of type given by 'name'. Uses same rules for specifying header names as $hdr(name) above. Many headers (e.g., Via, Path, Record-Route) may appear more than once in the message. This variable returns the number of headers of a given type. Note that some headers (e.g., Path) may be joined together with commas and appear as a single header line. This variable counts the number of header lines, not header values. For message fragment below, $hdrcnt(Path) will have value 2 and $(hdr(Path)[0]) will have value <>: Path: <> Path: <> For message fragment below, $hdrcnt(Path) will have value 1 and $(hdr(Path)[0]) will have value <>,<>: Path: <>,<> Note that both examples above are semantically equivalent but the variables take on different values.
4. Escape SequencesThese sequences are exported, and mainly used, by xlog module to print messages in many colors (foreground and background) using escape sequences. 4.1 Foreground and background colors$C(xy) - reference to an escape sequence. ¿x¿ represents the foreground color and ¿y¿ represents the background color. Colors could be:
4.2 ExamplesA few examples of usage. ... route { ... $avp(uuid)="caller_id"; $avp(tmp)= $avp(uuid) + ": " + $fu; xlog("$C(bg)$avp(tmp)$C(xx) [$avp(tmp)] $C(br)$cseq$C(xx)=[$hdr(cseq)]\n"); ... } ... |