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About -> News -> Dynamic Routing Module

New "Dynamic Routing" Module

OpenSIPS 1.5.0 (devel) has a new module for routing - this module is similar to LCR (as basic functionality - routing based on rules and GWs) , but has a different (scalable and performance design and some enhancements.

Technical adds:

  1. internal data organized as a search tree - very fast to search through ( O(log(n)) instead of O(n) )
  2. unlimited number of rules and gateways (running on a production setup with 200K rules and with no search penalties)
  3. rule matching may include time intervals and recurrence (when the rule is valid)
  4. a rule may point to set of GWs to be used for (1) sequential selection, (2) random selection , (3) weight selection
  5. inbound processing - prefix and strip for calls originated by the GWs

Also, the module already has a nice web interface for provisioning (it will released in the next weeks, along with an OpenSIPs Control Panel Web interface).

A comprehensive documentation and description is available on site.

Page last modified on October 09, 2008, at 02:09 PM