Documentation |
Documentation.Tutorials-WebSocket HistoryHide minor edits - Show changes to markup July 02, 2013, at 11:48 AM
- Changed line 36 from:
OverSIP has two basic configuration files that will need to be changed in order : to:
OverSIP has two basic configuration files that will need to changed in order to achieve our desired functionality : July 02, 2013, at 11:47 AM
- Changed line 52 from:
July 02, 2013, at 11:47 AM
- Changed lines 50-51 from:
server.rb ( by default located in /etc/oversip/server.rb ) contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby. The default server.rb script is suitable for the purpose of WS to SIP gateway, so you shouldn't do any changes to it, with one single exception : \\ to:
server.rb ( by default located in /etc/oversip/server.rb ) contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby. The default server.rb script is suitable for the purpose of WS to SIP gateway, so you shouldn't do any changes to it, with one single exception : July 02, 2013, at 11:46 AM
- Changed lines 51-52 from:
If you are using a pre 1.3.8 version, you need to edit the file and add request.fix_nat right after the def (OverSIP::SipEvents).on_request request line - basically we're forcing OverSIP to consider all requests as NAT-ed ( since we'll be using it only for Websocket clients, and they are considered NATed by default due to browser considerations ) to:
July 02, 2013, at 11:46 AM
- Changed lines 38-39 from:
oversip.conf contains the Main Configuration part of the server ( no routing logic here - just configuration parameters ). to:
oversip.conf ( by default located in /etc/oversip/oversip.conf ) contains the Main Configuration part of the server ( no routing logic here - just configuration parameters ). Changed lines 50-51 from:
server.rb contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby. The default server.rb script is suitable for the purpose of WS to SIP gateway, so you shouldn't do any changes to it, with one single exception : to:
server.rb ( by default located in /etc/oversip/server.rb ) contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby. The default server.rb script is suitable for the purpose of WS to SIP gateway, so you shouldn't do any changes to it, with one single exception : Changed line 70 from:
Assuming that we have an account on our OpenSIPS box with the domain, and that our OverSIP is listening on IP port 10080 for Websocket traffic, here are two screenshots that show the proper configuration of sipML5 for the SIP user configuration and for the WebSocket server configuration ( accessible from the expert mode options of sipML5 ) to:
Assuming that we have an account on our OpenSIPS box with the domain, and that our OverSIP is listening on IP port 10080 for WebSocket traffic, here are two screenshots that show the proper configuration of sipML5 for the SIP user configuration and for the WebSocket server configuration ( accessible from the expert mode options of sipML5 ) July 02, 2013, at 11:43 AM
- Changed lines 20-21 from:
sipML5 can be downloaded here and installation is very straight-forward : just copy the sources to your /var/www/ folder. to:
July 02, 2013, at 11:42 AM
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July 02, 2013, at 11:41 AM
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\\ July 02, 2013, at 11:41 AM
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July 01, 2013, at 08:10 PM
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The Problemto:
IntroductionJuly 01, 2013, at 08:09 PM
- Changed line 70 from:
Assuming that we have an account on our OpenSIPS box with the domain, and that our OverSIP is listening on IP port 10080 for Websocket traffic, below are two screenshots that show the proper configuration of sipML5 to:
Assuming that we have an account on our OpenSIPS box with the domain, and that our OverSIP is listening on IP port 10080 for Websocket traffic, here are two screenshots that show the proper configuration of sipML5 for the SIP user configuration and for the WebSocket server configuration ( accessible from the expert mode options of sipML5 ) July 01, 2013, at 07:53 PM
- Changed lines 26-27 from:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not have NAT support in your OpenSIPS script, or if you want to generate a brand new script, you should use the menuconfig tool and generate a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page to:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not have NAT support in your OpenSIPS script, or if you want to generate a brand new script, you should use the menuconfig tool and generate a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page
Added lines 54-55:
Added lines 71-72:
\\ July 01, 2013, at 07:52 PM
- Changed lines 26-27 from:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not have NAT support in your OpenSIPS script, or if you want to generate a brand new script, you should use the menuconfig tool and generate a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page to:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not have NAT support in your OpenSIPS script, or if you want to generate a brand new script, you should use the menuconfig tool and generate a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page Changed lines 52-53 from:
Here you will find attached an oversip.conf file that works well with our scenario. The config file assumes that OverSIP will listen on Added lines 65-66:
Assuming that we have an account on our OpenSIPS box with the domain, and that our OverSIP is listening on IP port 10080 for Websocket traffic, below are two screenshots that show the proper configuration of sipML5 July 01, 2013, at 07:49 PM
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Here you will find attached a very basic OpenSIPS Residential script with NAT support that should work very well for our scenario. June 21, 2013, at 06:19 PM
- Changed line 62 from:
Then simply insert your OpenSIPS server credentials and hit login. You should then be able to call other users registered on a webRTC capable SIP client. to:
Then simply insert your OpenSIPS username credentials and hit login. You should then be able to call other users registered on a webRTC capable SIP client. June 21, 2013, at 06:17 PM
- Changed lines 28-29 from:
Changed line 52 from:
June 21, 2013, at 06:16 PM
- Changed line 26 from:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you want to generate a brand new script, that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page to:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not have NAT support in your OpenSIPS script, or if you want to generate a brand new script, you should use the menuconfig tool and generate a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page June 21, 2013, at 06:14 PM
- Changed line 13 from:
Secondly, the solution uses entirely open source components ( both for the server and the client side ) - which give you great flexibility on the server side, as well as on the client side - since you can easily integrate the client into your existing client portals. to:
Secondly, the solution uses entirely open source components ( both for the server and the client side ) - which gives you great flexibility on the server side, as well as on the client side - since you can easily integrate the client into your existing client portals. June 21, 2013, at 06:14 PM
- Changed line 8 from:
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to add WebRTC functionalities to any existing OpenSIPS deployment very easily. to:
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to easily add WebRTC functionalities to any existing OpenSIPS deployment. June 21, 2013, at 06:13 PM
- Added lines 5-13:
The ProblemThe purpose of this tutorial is to show how to add WebRTC functionalities to any existing OpenSIPS deployment very easily.
June 21, 2013, at 06:07 PM
- Changed lines 53-57 from:
Then simply insert your OpenSIPS server credentials and hit login. You should then be able to call other users registered on a webRTC capable SIP client. to:
Then simply insert your OpenSIPS server credentials and hit login. You should then be able to call other users registered on a webRTC capable SIP client.
June 21, 2013, at 06:06 PM
- Added lines 19-20:
Added lines 42-43:
June 21, 2013, at 06:05 PM
- Added lines 13-14:
Added lines 19-20:
Added lines 40-41:
June 21, 2013, at 06:00 PM
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Deleted lines 35-36:
June 21, 2013, at 05:59 PM
- Changed line 35 from:
server.rb contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby : \\ to:
server.rb contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby. The default server.rb script is suitable for the purpose of WS to SIP gateway, so you shouldn't do any changes to it, with one single exception : \\ June 21, 2013, at 05:40 PM
- Changed lines 41-47 from:
sipML5 Configurationto:
sipML5 ConfigurationDeploy the sipML5 client on your web server, and access it in your browser. Go to expert mode and edit the WebSocket Server URL to match the OverSIP IP address and port that you entered in the websocket section of the oversip.conf file. Hit save and then return to the first page of the sipML5 client.
June 21, 2013, at 05:10 PM
- Added lines 38-39:
June 21, 2013, at 05:10 PM
- Changed line 37 from:
If you are using a pre 1.3.8 version, you need to edit the file and add request.fix_nat right after the def (OverSIP::SipEvents).on_request request line - basically we're forcing OverSIP to consider all requests as NAT-ed ( since we'll be using it only for Websocket clients - since are NATed by default ) to:
If you are using a pre 1.3.8 version, you need to edit the file and add request.fix_nat right after the def (OverSIP::SipEvents).on_request request line - basically we're forcing OverSIP to consider all requests as NAT-ed ( since we'll be using it only for Websocket clients, and they are considered NATed by default due to browser considerations ) June 21, 2013, at 05:08 PM
- Changed line 37 from:
If you are using a pre 1.3.8 version, you need to edit add right after the def (OverSIP::SipEvents).on_request request line - basically we're forcing OverSIP to consider all requests as NAT-ed ( since we'll be using it only for Websocket clients - since are NATed by default ) to:
If you are using a pre 1.3.8 version, you need to edit the file and add request.fix_nat right after the def (OverSIP::SipEvents).on_request request line - basically we're forcing OverSIP to consider all requests as NAT-ed ( since we'll be using it only for Websocket clients - since are NATed by default ) June 21, 2013, at 05:07 PM
- Added line 33:
\\ June 21, 2013, at 05:07 PM
by - June 21, 2013, at 05:07 PM
- Added lines 33-36:
server.rb contains the actual routing logic for the OverSIP server - written in Ruby : June 21, 2013, at 03:47 PM
- Changed lines 23-25 from:
oversip.conf contains the Main Configuration part of the server ( no routing logic here - just configuration parameters ). The parameters that are of interest for our configuration would be : to:
oversip.conf contains the Main Configuration part of the server ( no routing logic here - just configuration parameters ). June 21, 2013, at 03:42 PM
- Changed line 25 from:
Changed lines 27-30 from:
June 21, 2013, at 03:38 PM
- Added lines 20-27:
OverSIP has two basic configuration files that will need to be changed in order : oversip.conf contains the Main Configuration part of the server ( no routing logic here - just configuration parameters ). The parameters that are of interest for our configuration would be :
June 21, 2013, at 03:26 PM
- Changed lines 17-21 from:
OverSIP ConfigurationsipML5 ConfigurationJune 21, 2013, at 03:23 PM
- Changed line 15 from:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page to:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you want to generate a brand new script, that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page June 21, 2013, at 03:22 PM
- Changed lines 15-17 from:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support - that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page to:
OpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support. If you do not that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page
June 21, 2013, at 02:55 PM
- Changed lines 11-15 from:
OpenSIPS ConfigurationOpenSIPS will have to be configured with NAT support - that can be accomplished by using the menuconfig tool and generating a new Residential type script, with NAT support enabled. For more information on generating scripts see this manual page June 21, 2013, at 02:04 PM
- Changed lines 9-11 from:
OverSIP packages are available for Debian based systems and detailed installation instructions are available for other operating systems as well - see OverSIP deployment tutorial here to:
June 21, 2013, at 02:00 PM
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This page has been visited 40923 times. (:toc-float Table of Content:) June 21, 2013, at 01:57 PM
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June 21, 2013, at 01:20 PM
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June 21, 2013, at 01:17 PM
- Changed line 9 from:
OverSIP packages are available for Debian based systems - see installation instructions here to:
OverSIP packages are available for Debian based systems and detailed installation instructions are available for other operating systems as well - see OverSIP deployment tutorial here June 21, 2013, at 01:14 PM
- Changed line 7 from:
June 21, 2013, at 01:14 PM
- Changed lines 2-11 from:
Platform Components
OverSIP packages are available for Debian based systems - see installation instructions here June 21, 2013, at 12:40 PM
- Added lines 1-2:
Documentation -> Tutorials -> Deploying Websocket support with OpenSIPS and OverSIP |