
Documentation.Modules-3-6 History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

February 27, 2025, at 12:30 PM by -
Added line 233:
* [[ | '''JANUS''']] - WEB Socket connector to Janus (for running commands), %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%%
January 14, 2025, at 10:38 AM by -
Deleted lines 147-148:
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 149-150 from:

* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TRIE''']] - Fast, low memory cache with trie search for number, %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%

Deleted line 197:
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %green%stable%%
Added lines 201-202:
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_SQS''']] - An implementation of an Amazon SQS producer, %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%%
August 06, 2024, at 04:53 PM by liviu -
Added line 182:
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_DYNAMODB''']] - AWS DynamoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%%
May 22, 2024, at 12:29 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 255 from:
* [[ | '''PROTO_IPSEC''']] - implements IMS IPSec protocol protocol stack, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_IPSEC''']] - implements IMS IPSec protocol according to TS 33.203 specs, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
May 22, 2024, at 12:28 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 255:
* [[ | '''PROTO_IPSEC''']] - implements IMS IPSec protocol protocol stack, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
May 09, 2024, at 12:39 PM by liviu -
Changed line 1 from:
!!!!!Documentation -> [[Documentation.Manuals|Manuals]] -> [[Documentation.Manual-3-2|Manual 3.6]] -> Modules
!!!!!Documentation -> [[Documentation.Manuals|Manuals]] -> [[Documentation.Manual-3-6|Manual 3.6]] -> Modules
Changed line 10 from:
||[[Script-Async-3-2|Prev]] || [[Function-Index-3-2|Next]]||
||[[Script-Async-3-6|Prev]] || [[Function-Index-3-6|Next]]||
Changed lines 32-36 from:
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SDP_DEMUX''']] - Module to de-multiplex calls with multiple media streams, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MSRP_UA''']] - MSRP User Agent module, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SDP_DEMUX''']] - Module to de-multiplex calls with multiple media streams, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MSRP_UA''']] - MSRP User Agent module, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 42-43 from:
* [[ | '''QROUTING''']] - Quality-based Routing , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''QROUTING''']] - Quality-based Routing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %green%stable%%
Changed line 50 from:
* [[ | '''MSRP_GATEWAY''']] - SIP MESSAGE / MSRP gateway module, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MSRP_GATEWAY''']] - SIP MESSAGE / MSRP gateway module, %green%stable%%
Changed line 65 from:
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %green%stable%%
Changed line 77 from:
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 117-119 from:
* [[ | '''MQUEUE''']] - Message queue system inter-process communication using the config file, %red%alpha%%

* [[ | '''MQUEUE''']] - Message queue system inter-process communication using the config file, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

Changed lines 124-126 from:
* [[ | '''AUTH_JWT''']] -Authentication over JSON Web Tokens, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_AKA''']] - Authentication using RFC 3310 AKA mechanism, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AKA_AV_DIAMETER''']] - Fetches RFC 3310 AKA AVs using Cx/Dx Diameter interface, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_JWT''']] -Authentication over JSON Web Tokens, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_AKA''']] - Authentication using RFC 3310 AKA mechanism, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''AKA_AV_DIAMETER''']] - Fetches RFC 3310 AKA AVs using Cx/Dx Diameter interface, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
Changed lines 150-152 from:
* [[ | '''RATE_CACHER''']] - Cache, Query, Reload or Update rates via MI, %red%alpha%%

* [[ | '''RATE_CACHER''']] - Cache, Query, Reload or Update rates via MI, %green%stable%%

Changed line 173 from:
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 195-196 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_KAFKA''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications/generic messages to Apache Kafka , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_KAFKA''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications/generic messages to Apache Kafka , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %green%stable%%
Changed line 206 from:
* [[ | '''MI_SCRIPT''']] - support for running Management Interface commands in script , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MI_SCRIPT''']] - support for running Management Interface commands in script , %green%stable%%
Changed line 217 from:
* [[ | '''MSRP_RELAY''']] - Implementation of a Relay for the MSRP protocol , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MSRP_RELAY''']] - Implementation of a Relay for the MSRP protocol , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 220-222 from:
* [[ | '''RTP_RELAY''']] - Interface for different RTP relay engines, %red%alpha%%

* [[ | '''RTP_RELAY''']] - Interface for different RTP relay engines, %green%stable%%

Changed line 224 from:
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 230-231 from:
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LAUNCH_DARKLY''']] - Launch Darkly integration, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LAUNCH_DARKLY''']] - Launch Darkly integration, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
Changed line 233 from:
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 250-251 from:
* [[ | '''TLS_WOLFSSL''']] - TLS operations implemented using the wolfSSL library , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''TCP_MGM''']] - TCP connections management module , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''TLS_WOLFSSL''']] - TLS operations implemented using the wolfSSL library , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TCP_MGM''']] - TCP connections management module , %green%stable%%
Changed line 253 from:
* [[ | '''PROTO_BINS''']] - Binary INterface over TLS protocol module - implements Secure inter-OPENSIPS communication , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BINS''']] - Binary INterface over TLS protocol module - implements Secure inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 255-256 from:
* [[ | '''PROTO_IPSEC''']] - establish IPSec tunnels according to TS 33.203 specifications, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_MSRP''']] - implements MSRP protocol stack, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_MSRP''']] - implements MSRP protocol stack, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 262-263 from:
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %green%stable%%
May 09, 2024, at 12:38 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 255:
* [[ | '''PROTO_IPSEC''']] - establish IPSec tunnels according to TS 33.203 specifications, %red%alpha%%
May 01, 2024, at 09:09 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added line 117:
* [[ | '''MQUEUE''']] - Message queue system inter-process communication using the config file, %red%alpha%%
April 18, 2024, at 07:50 PM by -
Added line 79:
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_REGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for "reg"-events according to RFC 3680 , %green%stable%%
Added line 86:
* [[ | '''PUA_REGINFO''']] - Publisher for "reg"-events according to RFC 3680 , %green%stable%%
March 28, 2024, at 12:02 PM by razvancrainea -
Added lines 122-123:
* [[ | '''AUTH_AKA''']] - Authentication using RFC 3310 AKA mechanism, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AKA_AV_DIAMETER''']] - Fetches RFC 3310 AKA AVs using Cx/Dx Diameter interface, %red%alpha%%
March 27, 2024, at 02:20 PM by liviu -
Changed line 224 from:
* [[ | '''HTTP2D''']] - HTTP/2 implementation , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''HTTP2D''']] - Programmable HTTP/2 Server, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
March 27, 2024, at 02:19 PM by liviu -
Added line 224:
* [[ | '''HTTP2D''']] - HTTP/2 implementation , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
March 13, 2024, at 01:32 PM by -
Changed lines 103-104 from:
* '''AVPOPS''' - renamed, see [[|DBops module]]
* [[ | '''DBOPS''']] - SQL DB operations module %green%stable%%
* '''AVPOPS''' - renamed, see [[|SQLops module]]
* [[ | '''SQLOPS''']] - SQL DB operations module %green%stable%%
February 26, 2024, at 11:17 AM by -
Changed lines 103-104 from:
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* '''AVPOPS''' - renamed, see [[|DBops module]]
* [[ | '''DBOPS''']] - SQL DB operations module %green%stable%%
January 31, 2024, at 03:05 PM by -
Added line 224:
* [[ | '''LAUNCH_DARKLY''']] - Launch Darkly integration, %red%alpha%%
January 23, 2024, at 12:57 PM by razvancrainea -
Deleted line 21:
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC_XML''']] - legacy XML-based Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
March 17, 2023, at 10:50 AM by -
Deleted line 32:
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
May 18, 2022, at 04:08 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 37:
* [[ | '''MSRP_UA''']] - MSRP User Agent module, %red%alpha%%
May 18, 2022, at 04:03 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 51:
* [[ | '''MSRP_GATEWAY''']] - SIP MESSAGE / MSRP gateway module, %red%alpha%%
May 13, 2022, at 02:44 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 36:
* [[ | '''B2B_SDP_DEMUX''']] - Module to de-multiplex calls with multiple media streams, %red%alpha%%
April 27, 2022, at 01:39 PM by liviu -
Added line 242:
* [[ | '''TCP_MGM''']] - TCP connections management module , %red%alpha%%
April 04, 2022, at 08:34 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 210:
* [[ | '''MSRP_RELAY''']] - Implementation of a Relay for the MSRP protocol , %red%alpha%%
Added line 245:
* [[ | '''PROTO_MSRP''']] - implements MSRP protocol stack, %red%alpha%%
February 10, 2022, at 03:59 PM by -
Changed line 206 from:
* [[ | '''STATUS_REPORT''']] - Script Status/Report identifiers support , %green%stable%%
June 02, 2021, at 12:35 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 22:
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC_XML''']] - legacy XML-based Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
May 30, 2021, at 12:00 AM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added lines 238-239:
* [[ | '''TLS_OPENSSL''']] - TLS operations implemented using the openSSL library , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TLS_WOLFSSL''']] - TLS operations implemented using the wolfSSL library , %red%alpha%%
Added line 241:
* [[ | '''PROTO_BINS''']] - Binary INterface over TLS protocol module - implements Secure inter-OPENSIPS communication , %red%alpha%%
Deleted line 249:
* [[ | '''WOLFSSL''']] - TLS implementation using the wolfSSL library, %red%alpha%%
May 27, 2021, at 07:30 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
!!!!!Documentation -> [[Documentation.Manuals|Manuals]] -> [[Documentation.Manual-3-6|Manual devel]] -> Modules
(:title Modules - 3.6:)
!!!!!Documentation -> [[Documentation.Manuals|Manuals]] -> [[Documentation.Manual-3-2|Manual 3.6]] -> Modules
(:title Modules - 3.6:)
Changed lines 4-5 from:
(:allVersions Modules 3.6 :)
(:allVersions Modules 3.6 :)
Changed lines 8-10 from:
|| %color=#185662%[+'''Modules v3.6 '''+]%% ||

||[[Script-Async-3-6|Prev]] || [[Function-Index-3-6|Next]]||
|| %color=#185662%[+'''Modules v3.6 '''+]%% ||

||[[Script-Async-3-2|Prev]] || [[Function-Index-3-2|Next]]||
Changed lines 20-35 from:
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
Changed lines 37-53 from:
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CPL_C''']] - CPL interpreter module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] - Dispatcher module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DROUTING''']] - Dynamic Routing / LCR , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QROUTING''']] - Quality-based Routing , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''ENUM''']] - ENUM lookup module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JABBER''']] - JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''IMC''']] - Instant Messaging Conferencing module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] - Load Balancer (for calls) module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MSILO''']] - SIP message silo module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RR''']] - Record-Route and Route module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] - Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OSP''']] - OSP peering module , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CPL_C''']] - CPL interpreter module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] - Dispatcher module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DROUTING''']] - Dynamic Routing / LCR , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QROUTING''']] - Quality-based Routing , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''ENUM''']] - ENUM lookup module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JABBER''']] - JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''IMC''']] - Instant Messaging Conferencing module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] - Load Balancer (for calls) module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MSILO''']] - SIP message silo module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RR''']] - Record-Route and Route module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] - Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OSP''']] - OSP peering module , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 55-70 from:
* [[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] - Message compression and compaction, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIVERSION''']] - Diversion header insertion module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''IDENTITY''']] - SIP Identity implementation, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MAXFWD''']] - Max-Forward processor module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MANGLER''']] - SIP mangler module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PATH''']] - Path support for SIP frontending , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP_I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] - SIP operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] - Provides Topology Hiding capabilities , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC''']] - UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] - UAC Authentication functionality, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] - UAC redirection functionality , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SST''']] - SIP Session Timer support , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] - Message compression and compaction, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIVERSION''']] - Diversion header insertion module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''IDENTITY''']] - SIP Identity implementation, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MAXFWD''']] - Max-Forward processor module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MANGLER''']] - SIP mangler module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PATH''']] - Path support for SIP frontending , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP_I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] - SIP operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] - Provides Topology Hiding capabilities , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC''']] - UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] - UAC Authentication functionality, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] - UAC redirection functionality , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SST''']] - SIP Session Timer support , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 72-91 from:
* [[ | '''PRESENCE''']] - Presence server module - common API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Call-Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] - Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] - Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] - Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA''']] - Common API for presence user agent client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] - BLA extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] - Dialog-Info extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_MI''']] - MI extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] - USRLOC extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] - XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RLS''']] - Resource List Server implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP''']] - XCAP API provider , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] - XCAP client implementation , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''PRESENCE''']] - Presence server module - common API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Call-Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] - Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] - Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] - Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA''']] - Common API for presence user agent client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] - BLA extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] - Dialog-Info extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_MI''']] - MI extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] - USRLOC extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] - XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RLS''']] - Resource List Server implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP''']] - XCAP API provider , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] - XCAP client implementation , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 96-113 from:
* [[ | '''JSON''']] - Manipulate JSON objects in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] - Various utility functions, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Floating point and rounding operations, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] - Script file benchmarking, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LUA''']] - Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] - MaxMind GeoIP module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''JSON''']] - Manipulate JSON objects in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] - Various utility functions, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Floating point and rounding operations, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] - Script file benchmarking, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LUA''']] - Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] - MaxMind GeoIP module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 115-121 from:
* [[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] - AAA-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH''']] - Authentication Framework module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] -Database-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_JWT''']] -Authentication over JSON Web Tokens, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] - Permissions control module , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] - AAA-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH''']] - Authentication Framework module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] -Database-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_JWT''']] -Authentication over JSON Web Tokens, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] - Permissions control module , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 123-127 from:
* [[ | '''ACC''']] - Accounting module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] - PrePaid application module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CGRATES''']] - Connector to the CGRateS billing engine, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''ACC''']] - Accounting module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] - PrePaid application module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CGRATES''']] - Connector to the CGRateS billing engine, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 129-137 from:
* [[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] - Database SIP aliases module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] - Dialplan management , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAIN''']] - Multi-domain support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] - Policies to connect federations , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GROUP''']] - User-groups module with DB-backend , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] - User black/white listing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] - Per-user speed-dial controller module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PEERING''']] - Radius peering module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] - Database SIP aliases module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] - Dialplan management , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAIN''']] - Multi-domain support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] - Policies to connect federations , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GROUP''']] - User-groups module with DB-backend , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] - User black/white listing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] - Per-user speed-dial controller module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PEERING''']] - Radius peering module , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 139-144 from:
* [[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] - Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATE_CACHER''']] - Cache, Query, Reload or Update rates via MI, %red%alpha%%

* [[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] - Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATE_CACHER''']] - Cache, Query, Reload or Update rates via MI, %red%alpha%%

Changed lines 146-152 from:
* [[ | '''PIKE''']] - Flood detector module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QOS''']] - QOS (RTP) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] - SIP traffic shaping module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] - Detects fraudulent calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

* [[ | '''PIKE''']] - Flood detector module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QOS''']] - QOS (RTP) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] - SIP traffic shaping module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] - Detects fraudulent calls, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 157-170 from:
* [[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] - Berkeley DB driver for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] - SQL to CacheDB translator , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] - Fast writing-only text-backend for database module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] - HTTP-backend for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] - MYSQL-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] - ORACLE-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] - Perl Virtual Database engine , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] - POSTGRES-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] - Text-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] - unixODBC driver module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] - Middle-layer DB mixer, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] - Berkeley DB driver for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] - SQL to CacheDB translator , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] - Fast writing-only text-backend for database module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] - HTTP-backend for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] - MYSQL-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] - ORACLE-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] - Perl Virtual Database engine , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] - POSTGRES-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] - Text-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] - unixODBC driver module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] - Middle-layer DB mixer, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 172-180 from:
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] - Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] - CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] - Memcached Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] - MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] - Redis Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] - SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] - Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] - CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] - Memcached Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] - MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] - Redis Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] - SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 185-206 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using UDP, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] - Text/File backend for events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_KAFKA''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications/generic messages to Apache Kafka , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] - Route triggering based on events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] - Event-based routing, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using AMQP over TCP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] - Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing), %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] - Event XMLRPC client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] - DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] - FIFO support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTML''']] - Minimal web GUI for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] - HTTP support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_SCRIPT''']] - support for running Management Interface commands in script , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] - XMLRPC support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''HTTPD''']] - Embedded HTTP server , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] - Provisioning Interface module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] - Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STATISTICS''']] - Script statistics support , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using UDP, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] - Text/File backend for events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_KAFKA''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications/generic messages to Apache Kafka , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] - Route triggering based on events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] - Event-based routing, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using AMQP over TCP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] - Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing), %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] - Event XMLRPC client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] - DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] - FIFO support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTML''']] - Minimal web GUI for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] - HTTP support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_SCRIPT''']] - support for running Management Interface commands in script , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] - XMLRPC support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''HTTPD''']] - Embedded HTTP server , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] - Provisioning Interface module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] - Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STATISTICS''']] - Script statistics support , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 208-213 from:
* [[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] - Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] - Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTP_RELAY''']] - Interface for different RTP relay engines, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

* [[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] - Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] - Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTP_RELAY''']] - Interface for different RTP relay engines, %red%alpha%%

Changed lines 215-233 from:
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] - RADIUS backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''H350''']] - H350 implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LDAP''']] - LDAP connector , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] - Implementation of an HTTP client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SEAS''']] - Sip Express Application Server (interface module) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] - SipCapture module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPREC''']] - SIP Recording module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''TRACER''']] - Collects SIP, logs, DNS or REST queries and ships them to various backends , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNGTC''']] - Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNMPStats''']] - SNMP interface for statistics module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server , %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''XMPP''']] - SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] - RADIUS backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''H350''']] - H350 implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LDAP''']] - LDAP connector , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] - Implementation of an HTTP client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SEAS''']] - Sip Express Application Server (interface module) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] - SipCapture module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPREC''']] - SIP Recording module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TRACER''']] - Collects SIP, logs, DNS or REST queries and ships them to various backends , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNGTC''']] - Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNMPStats''']] - SNMP interface for statistics module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server , %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''XMPP''']] - SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 236-247 from:
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] - TLS management module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] - Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] - HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] - SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] - TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] - TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] - UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] - WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] - WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''WOLFSSL''']] - TLS implementation using the wolfSSL library, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] - TLS management module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] - Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] - HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] - SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] - TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] - TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] - UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] - WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] - WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''WOLFSSL''']] - TLS implementation using the wolfSSL library, %red%alpha%%
May 27, 2021, at 04:29 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 198:
* [[ | '''MI_SCRIPT''']] - support for running Management Interface commands in script , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
May 27, 2021, at 03:18 PM by liviu -
Changed line 214 from:
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %red%alpha%%
May 27, 2021, at 03:17 PM by liviu -
Added line 214:
* [[ | '''AAA_DIAMETER''']] - Diameter backend for the AAA API, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
May 26, 2021, at 01:46 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 210:
* [[ | '''RTP_RELAY''']] - Interface for different RTP relay engines, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
April 21, 2021, at 06:13 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 244:
* [[ | '''WOLFSSL''']] - TLS implementation using the wolfSSL library, %red%alpha%%
March 02, 2021, at 06:31 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 187:
* [[ | '''EVENT_KAFKA''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications/generic messages to Apache Kafka , %red%alpha%%
February 24, 2021, at 04:53 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed lines 33-35 from:
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
Added line 218:
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
Deleted line 227:
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
February 24, 2021, at 04:50 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 227:
* [[ | '''PROMETHEUS''']] - export statistics to a [[|Prometheus]] server, %red%alpha%%
May 25, 2020, at 02:27 PM by -
Changed line 34 from:
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
May 25, 2020, at 02:26 PM by -
Added line 34:
* [[ | '''CALLOPS''']] - Module to trigger different call operations on ongoing SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
May 22, 2020, at 12:08 PM by liviu -
Changed line 184 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Event datagram module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using UDP, %green%stable%%
Changed line 186 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] - Sends events using JSON-RPC command, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_STREAM''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using TCP, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
Changed line 189 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Event RabbitMQ client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Publish JSON-RPC notifications using AMQP over TCP , %green%stable%%
March 25, 2020, at 03:08 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 33:
* [[ | '''MEDIA_EXCHANGE''']] - Module to exchange SDP bodies between different SIP calls, %red%alpha%%
March 24, 2020, at 05:37 PM by liviu -
Added line 116:
* [[ | '''AUTH_JWT''']] -Authentication over JSON Web Tokens, %red%alpha%%
Added line 140:
* [[ | '''RATE_CACHER''']] - Cache, Query, Reload or Update rates via MI, %red%alpha%%
February 10, 2020, at 03:04 PM by liviu -
Added line 39:
* [[ | '''QROUTING''']] - Quality-based Routing , %red%alpha%%
February 05, 2020, at 08:01 PM by liviu -
Changed lines 20-33 from:
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 35-50 from:
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CPL_C''']] - CPL interpreter module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] - Dispatcher module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DROUTING''']] - Dynamic Routing / LCR , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''ENUM''']] - ENUM lookup module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JABBER''']] - JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''IMC''']] - Instant Messaging Conferencing module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] - Load Balancer (for calls) module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MSILO''']] - SIP message silo module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RR''']] - Record-Route and Route module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] - Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OSP''']] - OSP peering module , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CPL_C''']] - CPL interpreter module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] - Dispatcher module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DROUTING''']] - Dynamic Routing / LCR , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''ENUM''']] - ENUM lookup module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JABBER''']] - JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''IMC''']] - Instant Messaging Conferencing module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] - Load Balancer (for calls) module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MSILO''']] - SIP message silo module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RR''']] - Record-Route and Route module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] - Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OSP''']] - OSP peering module , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 52-67 from:
* [[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] - Message compression and compaction, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIVERSION''']] - Diversion header insertion module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''IDENTITY''']] - SIP Identity implementation, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MAXFWD''']] - Max-Forward processor module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MANGLER''']] - SIP mangler module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PATH''']] - Path support for SIP frontending , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP_I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] - SIP operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] - Provides Topology Hiding capabilities , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC''']] - UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] - UAC Authentication functionality, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] - UAC redirection functionality , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SST''']] - SIP Session Timer support , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] - Message compression and compaction, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIVERSION''']] - Diversion header insertion module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''IDENTITY''']] - SIP Identity implementation, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MAXFWD''']] - Max-Forward processor module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MANGLER''']] - SIP mangler module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PATH''']] - Path support for SIP frontending , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP_I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] - SIP operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] - Provides Topology Hiding capabilities , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC''']] - UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] - UAC Authentication functionality, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] - UAC redirection functionality , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SST''']] - SIP Session Timer support , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 69-88 from:
* [[ | '''PRESENCE''']] - Presence server module - common API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Call-Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] - Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] - Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] - Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA''']] - Common API for presence user agent client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] - BLA extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] - Dialog-Info extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_MI''']] - MI extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] - USRLOC extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] - XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RLS''']] - Resource List Server implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP''']] - XCAP API provider , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] - XCAP client implementation , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''PRESENCE''']] - Presence server module - common API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Call-Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] - Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] - Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] - Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA''']] - Common API for presence user agent client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] - BLA extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] - Dialog-Info extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_MI''']] - MI extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] - USRLOC extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] - XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RLS''']] - Resource List Server implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP''']] - XCAP API provider , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] - XCAP client implementation , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 93-110 from:
* [[ | '''JSON''']] - Manipulate JSON objects in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] - Various utility functions, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Floating point and rounding operations, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] - Script file benchmarking, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LUA''']] - Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] - MaxMind GeoIP module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''JSON''']] - Manipulate JSON objects in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] - Various utility functions, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Floating point and rounding operations, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] - Script file benchmarking, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LUA''']] - Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] - MaxMind GeoIP module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 112-117 from:
* [[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] - AAA-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH''']] - Authentication Framework module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] -Database-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] - Permissions control module , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] - AAA-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH''']] - Authentication Framework module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] -Database-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] - Permissions control module , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 119-123 from:
* [[ | '''ACC''']] - Accounting module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] - PrePaid application module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CGRATES''']] - Connector to the CGRateS billing engine, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''ACC''']] - Accounting module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] - PrePaid application module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CGRATES''']] - Connector to the CGRateS billing engine, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 125-133 from:
* [[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] - Database SIP aliases module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] - Dialplan management , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAIN''']] - Multi-domain support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] - Policies to connect federations , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GROUP''']] - User-groups module with DB-backend , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] - User black/white listing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] - Per-user speed-dial controller module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PEERING''']] - Radius peering module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] - Database SIP aliases module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] - Dialplan management , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAIN''']] - Multi-domain support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] - Policies to connect federations , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GROUP''']] - User-groups module with DB-backend , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] - User black/white listing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] - Per-user speed-dial controller module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PEERING''']] - Radius peering module , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 135-139 from:
* [[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] - Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] - Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 141-147 from:
* [[ | '''PIKE''']] - Flood detector module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QOS''']] - QOS (RTP) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] - SIP traffic shaping module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] - Detects fraudulent calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

* [[ | '''PIKE''']] - Flood detector module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QOS''']] - QOS (RTP) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] - SIP traffic shaping module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] - Detects fraudulent calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

Changed lines 152-165 from:
* [[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] - Berkeley DB driver for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] - SQL to CacheDB translator , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] - Fast writing-only text-backend for database module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] - HTTP-backend for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] - MYSQL-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] - ORACLE-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] - Perl Virtual Database engine , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] - POSTGRES-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] - Text-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] - unixODBC driver module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] - Middle-layer DB mixer, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] - Berkeley DB driver for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] - SQL to CacheDB translator , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] - Fast writing-only text-backend for database module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] - HTTP-backend for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] - MYSQL-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] - ORACLE-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] - Perl Virtual Database engine , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] - POSTGRES-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] - Text-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] - unixODBC driver module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] - Middle-layer DB mixer, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 167-175 from:
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] - Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] - CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] - Memcached Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] - MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] - Redis Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] - SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] - Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] - CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] - Memcached Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] - MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] - Redis Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] - SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 180-199 from:
* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Event datagram module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] - Text/File backend for events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] - Sends events using JSON-RPC command, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] - Route triggering based on events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] - Event-based routing, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Event RabbitMQ client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] - Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing), %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] - Event XMLRPC client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] - DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] - FIFO support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTML''']] - Minimal web GUI for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] - HTTP support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] - XMLRPC support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''HTTPD''']] - Embedded HTTP server , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] - Provisioning Interface module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] - Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STATISTICS''']] - Script statistics support , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Event datagram module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] - Text/File backend for events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] - Sends events using JSON-RPC command, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] - Route triggering based on events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] - Event-based routing, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Event RabbitMQ client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] - Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing), %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] - Event XMLRPC client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] - DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] - FIFO support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTML''']] - Minimal web GUI for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] - HTTP support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] - XMLRPC support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''HTTPD''']] - Embedded HTTP server , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] - Provisioning Interface module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] - Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STATISTICS''']] - Script statistics support , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 201-205 from:
* [[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] - Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] - Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay, %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] - Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] - Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay, %green%stable%%

Changed lines 207-223 from:
* [[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] - RADIUS backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''H350''']] - H350 implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LDAP''']] - LDAP connector , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] - Implementation of an HTTP client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SEAS''']] - Sip Express Application Server (interface module) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] - SipCapture module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPREC''']] - SIP Recording module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''TRACER''']] - Collects SIP, logs, DNS or REST queries and ships them to various backends , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNGTC''']] - Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNMPStats''']] - SNMP interface for statistics module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server , %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''XMPP''']] - SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) , %green%stable%%

* [[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] - RADIUS backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''H350''']] - H350 implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LDAP''']] - LDAP connector , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] - Implementation of an HTTP client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SEAS''']] - Sip Express Application Server (interface module) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] - SipCapture module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPREC''']] - SIP Recording module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''TRACER''']] - Collects SIP, logs, DNS or REST queries and ships them to various backends , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNGTC''']] - Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNMPStats''']] - SNMP interface for statistics module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server , %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''XMPP''']] - SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) , %green%stable%%

Changed lines 226-236 from:
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] - TLS management module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] - Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] - HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] - SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] - TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] - TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] - UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] - WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] - WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] - TLS management module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] - Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] - HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] - SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] - TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] - TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] - UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] - WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] - WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %red%alpha%%
January 22, 2020, at 06:59 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Changed line 58 from:
* [[ | '''SIP-I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP_I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
January 14, 2020, at 11:57 AM by rvlad_patrascu -
Changed lines 108-110 from:
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %red%alpha%%

* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %green%stable%%

Changed line 196 from:
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %red%alpha%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %green%stable%%
January 09, 2020, at 07:00 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 72:
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DFKS''']] - Extension to Presence server for Device Feature Key Synchronization, %red%alpha%%
November 18, 2019, at 07:34 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 60:
* [[ | '''STIR_SHAKEN''']] - STIR/SHAKEN support , %red%alpha%%
July 31, 2019, at 10:44 PM by liviu -
Changed line 44 from:
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %green%stable%%
Changed lines 206-207 from:
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %green%stable%%
Changed line 224 from:
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %green%stable%%
June 05, 2019, at 07:09 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Added line 106:
* [[ | '''UUID''']] - UUID generation, %red%alpha%%
April 19, 2019, at 05:33 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Deleted line 63:
* [[ | '''URI''']] - Generic URI operation module , %green%stable%%
April 17, 2019, at 08:20 AM by liviu -
Changed line 215 from:
* [[ | '''SIPTRACE''']] - SipTrace module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TRACER''']] - Collects SIP, logs, DNS or REST queries and ships them to various backends , %green%stable%%
April 16, 2019, at 09:33 PM by liviu -
Added line 188:
* [[ | '''MI_HTML''']] - Minimal web GUI for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
Deleted line 189:
* [[ | '''MI_JSON''']] - JSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
April 16, 2019, at 09:29 PM by liviu -
Added line 194:
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ_CONSUMER''']] - Connect to RabbitMQ and receive events, %red%alpha%%
January 23, 2019, at 01:45 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 233:
* [[ | '''PROTO_SMPP''']] - SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol module - implements transport for SMPP messages, %red%alpha%%
August 03, 2018, at 10:06 PM by liviu -
Added lines 92-96:
* [[ | '''JSON''']] - Manipulate JSON objects in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] - Various utility functions, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module, %green%stable%%
Added lines 98-99:
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Floating point and rounding operations, %green%stable%%
Changed lines 102-108 from:
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Math operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSON''']] - JSON packing function, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module, %green%stable%%
Added line 105:
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
Deleted line 106:
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%
July 18, 2018, at 01:43 PM by -
Changed lines 20-32 from:
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%
July 16, 2018, at 11:32 PM by -
Changed line 166 from:
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%% ||
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
Changed line 216 from:
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server|| %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server , %green%stable%% -
July 16, 2018, at 10:41 PM by -
Changed lines 81-82 from:
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%% ||
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%%
Added line 102:
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
July 16, 2018, at 07:04 PM by -
Changed lines 14-181 from:
|| border=0
|| '''[++Module name++]''' || '''[++Description++]''' || '''[++Status++]''' ||
|| || || ||
||[[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] ||RADIUS backend for the AAA API || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''ACC''']] ||Accounting module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] ||Database SIP aliases module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''AUTH''']] ||Authentication Framework module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] ||AAA-backend authentication module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] ||Database-backend authentication module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''AVPOPS''']] ||AVP operation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] ||Back-to-Back User Agent Entities || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] ||Back-to-Back User Agent Logic || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] ||Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] ||Config file benchmarking || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] ||Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] ||CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] ||Local Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] ||Memcached Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] ||MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] ||Redis Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] ||SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] ||Inbound call center system || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] ||PrePaid application module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] ||routing extension suitable for carriers || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CFGUTILS''']] ||Different config utilities || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] ||Message compression and compaction || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CPL_C''']] ||CPL interpreter module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] ||Berkeley DB driver for DB API || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] ||SQL to CacheDB translator || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] ||Fast writing-only text-backend for database module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] ||HTTP-backend for DB API || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] ||MYSQL-backend for database API module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] ||ORACLE-backend for database API module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] ||Perl Virtual Database engine || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] ||POSTGRES-backend for database API module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] ||SQLITE3-backend for database API module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] ||Text-backend for database API module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] ||unixODBC driver module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] ||Middle-layer DB mixer || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DIALOG''']] ||Dialog support module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] ||Dialplan management || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] ||Dispatcher module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DIVERSION''']] ||Diversion header insertion module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] ||Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DOMAIN''']] ||Multi-domain support module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] ||Policies to connect federations || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''DROUTING''']] ||Dynamic Routing / LCR || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] ||Emergency module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''ENUM''']] ||ENUM lookup module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] ||Event datagram module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] ||Text/File backend for events || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] ||Route triggering based on events || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] ||Event RabbitMQ client module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] ||Event XMLRPC client module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EXEC''']] ||External exec module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] ||FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''GFLAGS''']] ||Global shared flags module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''GROUP''']] ||User-groups module with DB-backend || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''H350''']] ||H350 implementation || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''HTTPD''']] ||Embedded HTTP server || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''IDENTITY''']] ||SIP Identity implementation || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''IMC''']] ||Instant Messaging Conferencing module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''JABBER''']] ||JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''JSON''']] ||JSON packing function|| %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''LDAP''']] ||LDAP connector || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] ||Load Balancer (for calls) module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''LUA''']] ||Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MANGLER''']] ||SIP mangler module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MATHOPS''']] ||Math operations module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MAXFWD''']] ||Max-Forward processor module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] ||NAT traversal module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] ||DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] ||FIFO support for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] ||HTTP support for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_JSON''']] ||JSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] ||MaxMind GeoIP module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MSILO''']] ||SIP message silo module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] ||NAT traversal module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''NATHELPER''']] ||NAT traversal helper module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''OPTIONS''']] ||OPTIONS server replier module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''OSP''']] ||OSP peering module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PATH''']] ||Path support for SIP frontending || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PEERING''']] ||Radius peering module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PERL''']] ||embed execution of Perl function || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] ||Permissions control module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] ||Provisioning Interface module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PIKE''']] ||Flood detector module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE''']] ||Presence server module - common API || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] ||Extension to Presence server for Call-Info || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] ||Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] ||Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] ||Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] ||Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] ||SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] ||TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] ||TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] ||UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA''']] ||Common API for presence user agent client || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] ||BLA extension for PUA || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] ||Dialog-Info extension for PUA || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA_MI''']] ||MI extension for PUA || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] ||USRLOC extension for PUA || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] ||XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PYTHON''']] ||Python scripting support || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''QOS''']] ||QOS (RTP) module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] ||SIP traffic shaping module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''REGEX''']] ||RegExp via PCRE library || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP Registrar implementation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] ||Implementation of an HTTP client || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RLS''']] ||Resource List Server implementation || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RR''']] ||Record-Route and Route module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] ||Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] ||Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] ||Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SEAS''']] ||Sip Express Application Server (interface module) || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SIGNALING''']] ||SIP signaling module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] ||SipCapture module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] ||SIP operations module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPTRACE''']] ||SipTrace module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SL''']] ||Stateless replier module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SMS''']] ||SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SNGTC''']] ||Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SNMPStats''']] ||SNMP interface for statistics module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] ||Per-user speed-dial controller module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] ||SQL Caching module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''SST''']] ||SIP Session Timer support || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''STATISTICS''']] ||Script statistics support || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''STUN''']] ||Built-in STUN server|| %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] ||Text operations module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] ||TLS management module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''TM''']] ||Transaction (stateful) module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''UAC''']] ||UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] ||UAC Authentication functionality || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] ||UAC redirection functionality || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] ||SIP Registrant implementation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''URI''']] ||Generic URI operation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] ||User black/white listing || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''USRLOC''']] ||User location implementation module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''XCAP''']] ||XCAP API provider || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] ||XCAP client implementation || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''XML''']] ||Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''XMPP''']] ||SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) || %green%stable%% ||
|| || || ||
|| %color=#185662%[+'''Obsolete Modules'''+]%% ||
|| '''[++Module name++]''' || '''[++Description++]''' || '''[++Status++]''' ||
||[[ | '''AUTH_DIAMETER''']] ||DIAMETER-backend authentication module || %red%unmaintained%% ||
||[[ | '''CLOSEDDIAL''']] ||PBX-like dialling features || %red%unmaintained%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %red%unmaintained%% ||
||[[ | '''PDT''']] ||Prefix-to-Domain translator module || %red%unmaintained%% ||
|| || || ||
(:toc-float Table of Content:)

!! SIP related modules

!!! SIP signaling modules
* [[ | '''B2B_ENTITIES''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Entities, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_LOGIC''']] - Back-to-Back User Agent Logic, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] - Inbound call center system , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALOG''']] - Dialog support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NAT_TRAVERSAL''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''NATHELPER''']] - NAT traversal helper module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OPTIONS''']] - OPTIONS server replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGISTRAR''']] - SIP Registrar implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIGNALING''']] - SIP signaling module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REGISTRANT''']] - SIP Registrant implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TM''']] - Transaction (stateful) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SL''']] - Stateless replier module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SMS''']] - SIP-to-SMS IM gateway module , %green%stable%%

!!! SIP Routing modules
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CPL_C''']] - CPL interpreter module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DISPATCHER''']] - Dispatcher module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DROUTING''']] - Dynamic Routing / LCR , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] - Emergency module, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''ENUM''']] - ENUM lookup module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JABBER''']] - JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''IMC''']] - Instant Messaging Conferencing module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LOAD_BALANCER''']] - Load Balancer (for calls) module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] - SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''MSILO''']] - SIP message silo module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RR''']] - Record-Route and Route module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] - Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''OSP''']] - OSP peering module , %green%stable%%

!!! SIP messaging operations
* [[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] - Message compression and compaction, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIVERSION''']] - Diversion header insertion module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''IDENTITY''']] - SIP Identity implementation, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MAXFWD''']] - Max-Forward processor module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MANGLER''']] - SIP mangler module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PATH''']] - Path support for SIP frontending , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIP-I''']] - ISUP manipulation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPMSGOPS''']] - SIP operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] - Provides Topology Hiding capabilities , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC''']] - UAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_AUTH''']] - UAC Authentication functionality, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''UAC_REDIRECT''']] - UAC redirection functionality , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''URI''']] - Generic URI operation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SST''']] - SIP Session Timer support , %green%stable%%

!!! SIP Presence Modules
* [[ | '''PRESENCE''']] - Presence server module - common API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_CALLINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Call-Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_DIALOGINFO''']] - Extension to Presence server for Dialog Info, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_MWI''']] - Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XCAPDIFF''']] - Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PRESENCE_XML''']] - Presence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA''']] - Common API for presence user agent client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_BLA''']] - BLA extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_DIALOGINFO''']] - Dialog-Info extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_MI''']] - MI extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_USRLOC''']] - USRLOC extension for PUA , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PUA_XMPP''']] - XMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PYTHON''']] - Python scripting support, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] - Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance, %green%stable%% ||
* [[ | '''RLS''']] - Resource List Server implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP''']] - XCAP API provider , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XCAP_CLIENT''']] - XCAP client implementation , %green%stable%%

!! Scripting modules

!!! Script helper modules
* [[ | '''AVPOPS''']] - AVP operation module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] - Script file benchmarking, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] - routing extension suitable for carriers , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GFLAGS''']] - Global shared flags module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MATHOPS''']] - Math operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSON''']] - JSON packing function, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''XML''']] - Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REGEX''']] - RegExp via PCRE library, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''TEXTOPS''']] - Text operations module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EXEC''']] - External exec module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''LUA''']] - Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''MMGEOIP''']] - MaxMind GeoIP module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PERL''']] - embed execution of Perl function , %green%stable%%

!!! Auth modules
* [[ | '''AUTH_AAA''']] - AAA-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH''']] - Authentication Framework module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''AUTH_DB''']] -Database-backend authentication module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PERMISSIONS''']] - Permissions control module , %green%stable%%

!!! Accounting & Billing modules
* [[ | '''ACC''']] - Accounting module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] - PrePaid application module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CGRATES''']] - Connector to the CGRateS billing engine, %green%stable%%

!!! Dialplan Modules
* [[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] - Database SIP aliases module, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DIALPLAN''']] - Dialplan management , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAIN''']] - Multi-domain support module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] - Policies to connect federations , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''GROUP''']] - User-groups module with DB-backend , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USERBLACKLIST''']] - User black/white listing , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SPEEDDIAL''']] - Per-user speed-dial controller module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PEERING''']] - Radius peering module , %green%stable%%

!!! Data caching
* [[ | '''DNS_CACHE''']] - Module for caching DNS records that can be used with any Key-Value back-end , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''USRLOC''']] - User location implementation module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] - SQL Caching module, %green%stable%%

!!! Traffic shaping module
* [[ | '''PIKE''']] - Flood detector module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''QOS''']] - QOS (RTP) module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RATELIMIT''']] - SIP traffic shaping module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] - Detects fraudulent calls, %color=#80ff00%beta%%

!! Database modules

!!! SQL modules
* [[ | '''DB_BERKELEY''']] - Berkeley DB driver for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] - SQL to CacheDB translator , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_FLATSTORE''']] - Fast writing-only text-backend for database module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] - HTTP-backend for DB API , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_MYSQL''']] - MYSQL-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] - ORACLE-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_PERLVDB''']] - Perl Virtual Database engine , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_POSTGRES''']] - POSTGRES-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] - SQLITE3-backend for database API module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''DB_TEXT''']] - Text-backend for database API module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_UNIXODBC''']] - unixODBC driver module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''DB_VIRTUAL''']] - Middle-layer DB mixer, %green%stable%%

!!! noSQL modules
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] - Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] - CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_LOCAL''']] - Local Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%% ||
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MEMCACHED''']] - Memcached Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] - MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] - Redis Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] - SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB, %green%stable%%

!! External Integration modules

!!! OpenSIPS API modules
* [[ | '''EVENT_DATAGRAM''']] - Event datagram module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] - Text/File backend for events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] - Sends events using JSON-RPC command, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] - Route triggering based on events, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] - Event-based routing, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_RABBITMQ''']] - Event RabbitMQ client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] - Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing), %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] - Event XMLRPC client module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_DATAGRAM''']] - DATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_FIFO''']] - FIFO support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_HTTP''']] - HTTP support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_JSON''']] - JSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] - XMLRPC support for Management Interface , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''HTTPD''']] - Embedded HTTP server , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PI_HTTP''']] - Provisioning Interface module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] - Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STATISTICS''']] - Script statistics support , %green%stable%%

!!! Media Relays
* [[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] - NAT traversal module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] - Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''RTPPROXY''']] - Connector to RTPproxy external RTP relay, %green%stable%%

!!! External integration (non-SIP protocols)
* [[ | '''AAA_RADIUS''']] - RADIUS backend for the AAA API, %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] - FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] - FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''H350''']] - H350 implementation , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''JSONRPC''']] - Execute JSON-RPC commands, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''LDAP''']] - LDAP connector , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] - Implementation of an HTTP client , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SEAS''']] - Sip Express Application Server (interface module) , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPCAPTURE''']] - SipCapture module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SIPREC''']] - SIP Recording module , %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''SIPTRACE''']] - SipTrace module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNGTC''']] - Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''SNMPStats''']] - SNMP interface for statistics module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''STUN''']] - Built-in STUN server|| %green%stable%% -
* [[ | '''XMPP''']] - SIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk) , %green%stable%%

!! OpenSIPS protocols and infrastructure
* [[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] - Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster, %color=#80ff00%beta%%
* [[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] - TLS management module , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] - Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] - HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] - SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] - TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] - TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] - UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] - WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
* [[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] - WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP , %green%stable%%
March 28, 2018, at 05:44 PM by razvancrainea -
March 28, 2018, at 05:37 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 67 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 76 from:
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 85 from:
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 146 from:
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
March 28, 2018, at 05:31 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed lines 178-180 from:
||[[ | '''CLOSEDDIAL''']] ||PBX-like dialling features || %red%unmaintained%% / %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %red%unmaintained%% / %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PDT''']] ||Prefix-to-Domain translator module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CLOSEDDIAL''']] ||PBX-like dialling features || %red%unmaintained%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %red%unmaintained%% ||
||[[ | '''PDT''']] ||Prefix-to-Domain translator module || %red%unmaintained%% ||
March 28, 2018, at 05:30 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 63 from:
||[[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] ||Emergency module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] ||Emergency module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 69 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %green%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 83 from:
||[[ | '''JABBER''']] ||JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''JABBER''']] ||JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 88 from:
||[[ | '''LUA''']] ||Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''LUA''']] ||Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
March 28, 2018, at 05:28 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 39 from:
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 67 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Changed line 69 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %green%beta%% ||
Changed line 74 from:
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 76 from:
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Changed line 85 from:
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Changed line 133 from:
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 146-147 from:
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 172 from:
||[[ | '''XML''']] ||Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''XML''']] ||Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script || %green%stable%% ||
March 28, 2018, at 01:03 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 67:
||[[ | '''EVENT_JSONRPC''']] ||Sends events using JSON-RPC command || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Added line 85:
||[[ | '''JSONRPC''']] ||Execute JSON-RPC commands || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
December 20, 2017, at 08:29 PM by liviu -
Changed line 75 from:
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH script events & commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH events & commands at OpenSIPS script level || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
December 20, 2017, at 08:28 PM by liviu -
Added line 75:
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING''']] ||FreeSWITCH script events & commands || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
September 28, 2017, at 08:15 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 143:
||[[ | '''SIPREC''']] ||SIP Recording module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
July 18, 2017, at 07:31 PM by rvlad_patrascu -
Changed line 26 from:
||[[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] ||Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''B2B_SCA''']] ||Back-to-Back Shared Call Appearance || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 28-29 from:
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] ||Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] ||CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_CASSANDRA''']] ||Cassandra Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_COUCHBASE''']] ||CouchBase Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 32-37 from:
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] ||MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] ||Redis Implementation of CacheDB || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] ||SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] ||Inbound call center system || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] ||PrePaid application module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] ||routing extension suitable for carriers || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_MONGODB''']] ||MongoDB Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_REDIS''']] ||Redis Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CACHEDB_SQL''']] ||SQL-based Implementation of CacheDB || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CENTER''']] ||Inbound call center system || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CALL CONTROL''']] ||PrePaid application module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CARRIERROUTE''']] ||routing extension suitable for carriers || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 39-41 from:
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] ||Message compression and compaction || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''COMPRESSION''']] ||Message compression and compaction || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 44 from:
||[[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] ||SQL to CacheDB translator || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_CACHEDB''']] ||SQL to CacheDB translator || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 46 from:
||[[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] ||HTTP-backend for DB API || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_HTTP''']] ||HTTP-backend for DB API || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 48 from:
||[[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] ||ORACLE-backend for database API module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_ORACLE''']] ||ORACLE-backend for database API module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 51 from:
||[[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] ||SQLITE3-backend for database API module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] ||SQLITE3-backend for database API module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 61 from:
||[[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] ||Policies to connect federations || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''DOMAINPOLICY''']] ||Policies to connect federations || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 63 from:
||[[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] ||Emergency module || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''EMERGENCY''']] ||Emergency module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 66-67 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] || Text/File backend for events || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] ||Route triggering based on events || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] ||Text/File backend for events || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTE''']] ||Route triggering based on events || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_ROUTING''']] ||Event-based routing || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed lines 70-71 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] ||Event XMLRPC client module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_XMLRPC''']] ||Event XMLRPC client module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 73 from:
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 81 from:
||[[ | '''JABBER''']] ||JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''JABBER''']] ||JABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 85 from:
||[[ | '''LUA''']] ||Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''LUA''']] ||Call LUA scripts from OpenSIPS cfg || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 87 from:
||[[ | '''MATHOPS''']] ||Math operations module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MATHOPS''']] ||Math operations module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 91 from:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed lines 94-95 from:
||[[ | '''MI_JSON''']] ||JSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interface || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_JSON''']] ||JSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''MI_XMLRPC_NG''']] ||XMLRPC support for Management Interface || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 103 from:
||[[ | '''PEERING''']] ||Radius peering module || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''PEERING''']] ||Radius peering module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 114-116 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] ||SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] ||SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 120-121 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
Changed lines 128-130 from:
||[[ | '''PYTHON''']] ||Python scripting support || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''QOS''']] ||QOS (RTP) module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PYTHON''']] ||Python scripting support || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''QOS''']] ||QOS (RTP) module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 134 from:
||[[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] ||Implementation of an HTTP client || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''REST_CLIENT''']] ||Implementation of an HTTP client || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 137 from:
||[[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] ||Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] ||Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 139 from:
||[[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] ||Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''SCRIPT_HELPER''']] ||Embedded SIP routing logic and dialog management || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 143 from:
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 148 from:
||[[ | '''SNGTC''']] ||Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''SNGTC''']] ||Voice Transcoding in OpenSIPS using Sangoma hardware || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 151 from:
||[[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] ||SQL Caching module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] ||SQL Caching module || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 158 from:
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %green%stable%% ||
Changed line 166 from:
||[[ | '''XCAP''']] ||XCAP API provider || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''XCAP''']] ||XCAP API provider || %green%stable%% ||
March 16, 2017, at 06:58 PM by liviu -
Deleted line 23:
||[[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] ||Config file benchmarking || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 27:
||[[ | '''BENCHMARK''']] ||Config file benchmarking || %green%stable%% ||
Deleted line 64:
||[[ | '''EXEC''']] ||External exec module || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 69:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Changed line 71 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EXEC''']] ||External exec module || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 73:
||[[ | '''FREESWITCH''']] ||FreeSWITCH ESL connection manager || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Added line 88:
||[[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] ||NAT traversal module || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 90:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Deleted lines 94-95:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''MEDIAPROXY''']] ||NAT traversal module || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 142:
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Deleted line 144:
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Added line 151:
||[[ | '''SST''']] ||SIP Session Timer support || %green%stable%% ||
Deleted line 152:
||[[ | '''SST''']] ||SIP Session Timer support || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 165:
||[[ | '''XCAP''']] ||XCAP API provider || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 167 from:
||[[ | '''XCAP''']] ||XCAP API provider || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''XML''']] ||Manipulate XML documents in OpenSIPS script || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
February 08, 2017, at 07:55 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 128:
||[[ | '''RABBITMQ''']] ||Connector to a RabbitMQ message broker || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
February 02, 2017, at 03:43 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 142:
||[[ | '''SIP-I''']] ||ISUP manipulation module || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
January 25, 2017, at 07:41 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 39 from:
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] || Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] ||Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
January 25, 2017, at 07:41 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 39 from:
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] || Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] || Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
January 25, 2017, at 07:40 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 39:
||[[ | '''CGRATES''']] || Connector to the CGRateS billing engine || %green%stable%% ||
December 16, 2016, at 12:59 PM by liviu -
Changed line 91 from:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
December 16, 2016, at 12:11 PM by liviu -
Changed line 91 from:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||Registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||SIP registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
December 16, 2016, at 12:10 PM by liviu -
Changed line 91 from:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||Registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||Registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
December 16, 2016, at 12:09 PM by liviu -
Added line 91:
||[[ | '''MID_REGISTRAR''']] ||Registration front-end with traffic throttling || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
March 30, 2016, at 11:24 PM by -
Changed line 19 from:
||[[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] ||Database SIP aliases module || %green%stable%% ||a814271
||[[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] ||Database SIP aliases module || %green%stable%% ||
March 30, 2016, at 11:23 PM by -
Changed line 39 from:
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#80ff00%alpha%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 30, 2016, at 11:21 PM by -
Changed line 19 from:
||[[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] ||Database SIP aliases module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''ALIAS_DB''']] ||Database SIP aliases module || %green%stable%% ||a814271
Changed lines 110-111 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 30, 2016, at 11:20 PM by -
Added line 66:
||[[ | '''EVENT_FLATSTORE''']] || Text/File backend for events || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
Added line 110:
||[[ | '''PROTO_BIN''']] ||Binary INterface protocol module - implements inter-OPENSIPS communication || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
March 25, 2016, at 12:49 PM by -
Changed line 115 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSs''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSS''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 25, 2016, at 12:48 PM by -
Added line 115:
||[[ | '''PROTO_WSs''']] ||WebSocket Secure protocol module - implements WSS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 25, 2016, at 12:45 PM by -
Changed line 41 from:
||[[ | '''CPL-C''']] ||CPL interpreter module || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''CPL_C''']] ||CPL interpreter module || %green%stable%% ||
January 11, 2016, at 11:47 AM by liviu -
Added line 39:
||[[ | '''CLUSTERER''']] ||Define and configure an OpenSIPS cluster || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
December 15, 2015, at 05:58 PM by hydrosine - added sql_cacher module to list, based on ticket #676
Added line 141:
||[[ | '''SQL_CACHER''']] ||SQL Caching module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
December 03, 2015, at 10:43 AM by ionutionita92 -
Added line 108:
||[[ | '''PROTO_HEP''']] ||HEP protocol module - implements HEP transport for SIP || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
September 25, 2015, at 10:55 AM by 83.608.174.39 -
Changed lines 68-69 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 112 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 127 from:
||[[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] ||Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''RTPENGINE''']] ||Connector to RTPengine external RTP relay || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
Changed line 146 from:
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
September 25, 2015, at 10:50 AM by 83.608.174.39 -
Changed line 68 from:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] || Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] ||Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
September 25, 2015, at 10:50 AM by 83.608.174.39 -
Added line 68:
||[[ | '''EVENT_VIRTUAL''']] || Aggregator of event backends (failover & balancing) || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
September 17, 2015, at 04:47 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 143:
||[[ | '''TLS_MGM''']] ||TLS management module || %green%stable%% ||
April 06, 2015, at 06:23 PM by razvancrainea -
Added line 49:
||[[ | '''DB_SQLITE''']] ||SQLITE3-backend for database API module || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 19, 2015, at 11:26 AM by razvancrainea -
Deleted line 94:
||[[ | '''PDT''']] ||Prefix-to-Domain translator module || %green%stable%% ||
Added line 160:
||[[ | '''PDT''']] ||Prefix-to-Domain translator module || %green%stable%% ||
March 16, 2015, at 02:31 PM by liviu -
Changed line 67 from:
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#ffC000%alpha%% ||
||[[ | '''FRAUD_DETECTION''']] ||Detects fraudulent calls || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 12, 2015, at 06:57 AM by liviu -
Changed line 111 from:
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||
March 11, 2015, at 07:07 PM by -
Added lines 107-111:
||[[ | '''PROTO_SCTP''']] ||SCTP protocol module - implements SCTP transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_TCP''']] ||TCP protocol module - implements TCP-plain transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_TLS''']] ||TLS protocol module - implements TLS transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_UDP''']] ||UDP protocol module - implements UDP-plain transport for SIP || %green%stable%% ||
||[[ | '''PROTO_WS''']] ||WebSocket protocol module - implements WS transport for SIP || %color=#80ff00%beta%% ||
March 11, 2015, at 04:08 PM by razvancrainea -
Deleted line 137:
||[[ | '''TLSOPS''']] ||TLS operations module || %green%stable%% ||
March 11, 2015, at 12:20 PM by -
Added line 140:
||[[ | '''TOPOLOGY_HIDING''']] ||Provides Topology Hiding capabilities || %color=#80ff00%beta%% / %red%NEW%% ||

Page last modified on February 27, 2025, at 12:30 PM