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Documentation -> Migration -> Migration from 3.3.x to 3.4.0

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This section is meant to provide useful help in migrating your OpenSIPS installations from the 3.3.0 version to 3.4.0.

You can find the all the new additions in the 3.4.0 release compiled under this page. The ChangeLog may help your understanding of the migration / update process.

Make sure you don't carry a left-over Makefile.conf file in your OpenSIPS source tree if migrating to a new branch! This configuration file, generated by make menuconfig, is usually not compatible with the one of a previous major release!

1.  DB migration

You can migrate your 3.3.x MySQL DB to the 3.4.x format using the opensips-cli tool :

   # opensips-cli -x database migrate 3.3_to_3.4 opensips_3_3 opensips_3_4

where :

  • opensips_3_3 is the existing DB name corresponding to version 3.3.x format
  • opensips_3_4 is the DB name to be created for 3.4.x format

See the opensips-cli documentation for more details.


  • the old database will not be deleted, altered or changed - it will not be touched at all
  • new database will be created and data from old DB will be imported into it

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2.  Script migration

  • no changes to opensips.cfg syntax

2.1  Global Parameters

2.2  Core Variables

  • no changes

2.3  Core keywords

  • no changes

2.4  Core functions

  • no changes

2.5  Core MI commands

  • the output of the list_blacklists rules have changed to improve readability:
    • owner - now a string
    • expire - indicates the number of seconds until the rule expires
    • proto - printed as string protocol, or "any"

2.6  Statistics migration

  • no changes

3.  Module migration

3.1  B2B_LOGIC module

  • The flags of the b2b_bridge() function have been renamed as following:
    • n to notify
    • f to rollback-failed
    • t[nn] to max_duration=[int].
  • The flags of the b2b_init_request() function have been renamed as following:
    • a to transparent-auth
    • p to preserve-to
    • t[nn] to setup-timeout=[nn]
  • The init_sdp_body and init_sdp_ctype parameters of the b2b_init_request() function have been dropped.
  • The use_init_sdp module parameter has been dropped.

3.2  CFGUTILS module

  • the ts_usec_delta() 5th parameter has changed: it is now a string instead of an integer, allowing arbitrary-sized diffs to be performed (no longer limited to max 2147 seconds).

3.3  DIALOG module

3.4  MID_REGISTRAR module

3.5  NATHELPER module

  • Check the module docs for the flags parameters of the fix_nated_sdp() and nat_uac_test() functions for the mapping between the old and new flag names.

3.6  REGISTRAR module

  • Check the module docs for the flags parameters of the save() and lookup() functions for the mapping between the old and new flag names.

3.7  TM module

  • Check the module docs for the flags parameter of the t_relay() function for the mapping between the old and new flag names.

4.  Command line options migration

  • The -E option has been removed as standard error logging is used by default until the config script is parsed and a different setting is encountered (i.e. logging to syslog and stderror disabled etc.).

5.  Packaging migration

5.1  AUTH modules

  • NEW package available in the repos: opensips-auth-modules, containing both the auth and uac_auth modules, mainly due to their extra dependency on a TLS library to be present on the system (e.g. OpenSSL or WolfSSL)

Page last modified on May 30, 2023, at 04:32 PM